Chapter 4

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Waqas Ahmed had always regarded Shahnawaz as family. Through every thick and thin, Shahnawaz had been a constant companion, offering comfort and unwavering support. His reassuring words felt like a warm embrace during the toughest times. Waqas held Shahnawaz in high regards as he considered him to be like his brother that he never really had. Shahnawaz's wholehearted support had left Waqas profoundly grateful for a friend like him. Even when financial struggles had clouded Waqas's law firm, Shahnawaz had, without hesitation, leaped to his aid. The debt of gratitude he owed to his friend's kindness seemed immeasurable.

This is why, years ago, when Shahnawaz had expressed his desire to have his son, Murtasim, marry Meerab, Waqas had readily agreed for he had considered Murtasim as his own. Over time, Murtasim had blossomed into a composed and mature man, willingly sharing his father's burdens. His responsibility-taking had deeply impressed Waqas, making him more than willing to accept Murtasim as his future son-in-law. However, as the years passed and his daughter grew into her own, Waqas realized that his initial promise might now weigh heavily on him.

Meerab had grown into an independent young woman, embracing modern ideologies while still cherishing her traditional values. Yet, Waqas couldn't ignore the stark contrast between her modern outlook and the traditional norms of the Khan family's feudal system. He wished he had considered this aspect earlier, as he was now torn between his promise to Shahnawaz and his daughter's happiness. He didn't want to force Meerab into a marriage that went against her heart's desires but he also did not wanted to disregard his word that he gave his friend years ago.

So when Shahnawaz brought up the topic of marriage once again, in the absence of their children on a trip, Waqas found himself hesitating. "I believe it's time to finally fulfill our longstanding promise. Meerab and Murtasim have completed their studies and are mature enough to understand the significance of marriage. We shouldn't delay this any further," Shahnawaz asserted.

While Waqas agreed, he felt a need to involve their children in the decision-making. "I think you're right, but perhaps we should ask for their approval first," he cautiously suggested.

Shahnawaz dismissed the idea, convinced that their words were sufficient. "Our word to each other should be enough. Besides, my Murtasim will agree to whatever I have decided for him," he said with a confident gleam in his eyes.

Waqas persisted, "Yes, but still..."

"Are you having second thoughts, Waqas?" Shahnawaz interjected.

"No, no," Waqas hurriedly responded, "I just believe they both should have a chance to know each other before taking such a significant step."

Shahnawaz remained resolute. "They have a lifetime ahead to discover one another. They can do that after marriage too. If you agree, we're thinking of setting a date two weeks from now."

Waqas's nervousness showed. "Isn't that too soon? There's so much to prepare for."

Shahnawaz reassured him, "Don't worry, Salma has everything ready. This has been long overdue due to Meerab's studies. We can't delay it any further."

With a hesitant nod, Waqas agreed, though his daughter's face occupied his thoughts. Breaking the news to her felt no less than a challenge. He didn't want to shatter her heart, yet his promise to his lifelong friend held its own weight. Lost in his thoughts, Waqas pondered how to convey this news to his impulsive daughter in a way that would make her understand his point of view.
Meerab's reaction was exactly what Waqas had anticipated, yet it still struck him deeply. Her eyes, as they turned to him seeking confirmation of Shahnawaz's announcement, conveyed a profound sense of hurt and disbelief. It pained Waqas to see his daughter in such a state. However, he felt trapped between honoring the request of a lifelong friend and addressing his daughter's emotional turmoil. The request that his friend made after years held great importance to him consider how Shahnawaz had always been an unwavering pillar of support in his life, without asking for anything in return. This thought weighed heavily on Waqas's conscience.

While he recognized the pain in Meerab's eyes, yet, Waqas also believed that Murtasim was an exceptional young man and saw no valid reason to decline the proposal, other than Meerab's disapproval. He had faith that given time, she would also comprehend the situation, understanding that he would never take an action that would bring harm to his beloved daughter.

As his gaze met Meerab's, he could sense the storm of emotions brewing within her. With a silent plea, he requested her to refrain from any hasty actions that they both might regret later. He knew he might have come off as selfish person but in that moment, the gratitude and respect he had for his friend triumphed over the love for his daughter.

Meerab excused herself, retreating to her room in an attempt to process the unexpected news. Waqas swiftly fabricated an excuse to account for her abrupt departure "She must have just shied away and she gets grumpy when she's exhausted so", hiding the inner turmoil that was stirring beneath the surface.


With morning light filtering in after a long and tense night, the Khan family prepared to depart for Hyderabad. Waqas and his wife bid them farewell. Salma, however, noticed Meerab's absence and voiced her concern, her tone carrying worry. "Where's Meerab?" she inquired.

"Oh, she's still asleep. I'll just go and get her," Waqas replied, his anxiety evident as he concealed the true reason behind her absence.

As he nervously knocked on Meerab's door, there was no response. Slowly, he opened the door as he peeked inside. Meerab was sitting on the floor, her eyes swollen from hours of crying. Guilt washed over Waqas as he approached her. "Meerab, beta, I know this has all been sudden and surprising. But please, try to understand the situation. We'll talk everything through once Shahnawaz and his family leave. But for now, come downstairs and bid them farewell. They're waiting," Waqas implored, his voice tinged with remorse. He struggled to meet her eyes, his guilt clearly visible. "Please," he whispered desperately.

Meerab slowly rose and headed to the bathroom. Remorse gnawed at Waqas. Even after everything, her willingness to maintain the façade for her father's dignity left a heavy ache in his heart.

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