Chapter 24

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After a relaxing break in Lahore, Meerab returned to her Khanum responsibilities. To her surprise, she found that these duties weren't as burdensome as she had initially imagined them to be. In fact, they resembled being in a courtroom, where instead of being a lawyer, Maa Begum had effectively appointed her as the judge. This realization brought her immense satisfaction, for it allowed her to put her education to practical use and help the women under her purview comprehend the significance of their roles in society. Meerab dedicated herself wholeheartedly to guiding them and ensuring justice in their disputes, all of which she attributed to Maa Begum's unwavering support and guidance.

Maa Begum had been a constant presence, offering guidance and correction when necessary. Her maternal affection for Meerab was so profound that it helped ease the longing for her own mother; it was as if Meerab now had two mothers, and this warmth in her heart was truly special.

It was one of the usual evenings, Meerab and Maa Begum found themselves seated in the lounge of their home, sipping fragrant tea as they discussed the matters of the women's panchayat. The soft glow of the lamps in the room cast a warm and inviting ambiance, making their conversation all the more intimate.

Maa Begum, her eyes sparkling with pride, looked at Meerab and said, "My dear Meerab, you have surpassed my expectations in your role as the Khaani for the people. Your wisdom and compassion have made a world of difference in the lives of these women. They now have a Khanum who not only deeply cares for them but also understands the law and is able to guide them accordingly."

Meerab blushed, humbled by the praise. She replied, "It's all thanks to your guidance, Maa Begum. Your unwavering support and your belief in me have given me the strength to fulfill this role. I couldn't have done it without you."

Maa Begum gently placed her hand on Meerab's, her eyes filled with maternal affection. "You have a unique gift, Meerab, the ability to bring justice and comfort to those in need. And this isn't just for the women who come to us for help but you've bring great joy to my son as well."

Meerab blushed and glanced down at her teacup as Maa Begum continued to smile warmly. The deep affection in her eyes was both comforting and heartwarming. "I haven't seen Murtasim this happy in a long time," she admitted, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "Since you came into our lives, there's been a light in his eyes that I thought had dimmed forever. Your presence has brought joy back to our home, Meerab."

Bashfully, Meerab responded, "I did nothing. Murtasim is just so lovable that I just couldn't help but adore him."

Tears welled up in Maa Begum's eyes as she continued, her voice heavy with regret, "He is, and maybe he is the son we never deserved."

Meerab furrowed her brows in confusion. "What do you mean, Maa Begum?"

Maa Begum took a deep breath, her gaze fixed on some distant memory. "You see, Meerab, we haven't been the best parents to Murtasim. You know how your uncle Shahnawaz is. He's rigid with his rules and proud of his lineage. He's made many mistakes in his life, but the worst one was that he always saw Murtasim as his 'gaddi nasheen,' his heir to this throne. He was strict with him from childhood, wanting to mold him into this role since he was a little boy. In the process, Shahnawaz forgot that Murtasim was his son too."

Maa Begum's voice trembled with emotion as she continued, "When Shahnawaz ruthlessly snatched away Murtasim's dreams, he tried to rebel, to leave the house. His father, being the egotistical person he was, didn't stop him. But I couldn't let go of my son like that. I couldn't even speak in his favor because I was torn between my husband and my son. I sought the path of least resistance, begging Murtasim not to leave. He, being the obedient son he is, prioritized me over his own dreams."

Meerab listened intently, her heart aching for Murtasim as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

Maa Begum's voice grew heavier with sorrow. "Something changed in him forever since then. He barely interacted with any of us. After he went to university, he never mentioned anything about his dreams again. He barely talked to anyone, carrying all his pain and burdens in silence. It pained me to see my son suffer, but I was helpless because of my husband's stubbornness. But Murtasim always remained obedient, fulfilling all his responsibilities without complaint."

A pang of pain engulfed in Meerab's heart as she realized the depth of Murtasim's sacrifices and the pain he had endured.

Maa Begum continued, her voice filled with gratitude, "Shahnawaz doesn't realize what he has done to his son, but I do. I regretted every decision I made that contributed to his pain, until you came into his life. You've filled it with joy, taking away his misery. Meerab, I could never thank you enough for helping my son out of the dark corner of his life." 

Overwhelmed by the weight of Maa Begum's words and the newfound understanding of Murtasim's pain, Meerab's eyes welled up with tears. She reached out and gently took Maa Begum's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Maa Begum," Meerab said, her voice filled with sincerity, "I promise to do everything in my power to continue bringing happiness to Murtasim's life. He deserves nothing but the best, and I will never let him or you down."

Moved by her words, Maa begum reached out and pulled Meerab into a warm embrace, holding her tightly. It was a moment of shared understanding and affection.

Meerab hugged Maa Begum back, feeling the depth of their connection and the love that had grown between them. With a soft smile, she whispered, "You know, Murtasim holds you in the highest regard, Maa Begum. He often talks about how your wisdom and strength have been a guiding light in his life. Your love and support have shaped him into the wonderful person he is."

Maa Begum's heart swelled with gratitude as she heard these words. In that moment, in the heart of their grand home, surrounded by the warmth of their love and understanding, Meerab and Maa Begum found solace in their shared commitment to Murtasim's happiness.


As the evening wore on, Murtasim returned home after a long day of work and responsibilities. As he entered the lounge, his shoulders slumped with exhaustion, unaware of the emotional conversation that had transpired earlier between Meerab and Maa Begum.

Meerab, who had been waiting for him, couldn't help but be reminded of the hardships he had endured and the strength he had displayed in hiding his pain from the world. Her heart swelled with admiration for the man she was married to, and she knew that he deserved all the praises in the world.

As Murtasim entered their shared room, Meerab couldn't help but rush to his side, surprising him with an unexpected embrace. He blinked in surprise but soon wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. His tired eyes met hers, filled with curiosity and a hint of vulnerability.

"Meerab," he said softly, "what's this for?"

Meerab held him tighter, her words filled with sincerity as she whispered, "I just want you to know how incredibly proud I am of you, Murtasim."

Murtasim, taken aback by Meerab's unexpected display of affection, gently broke the hug, his eyes searching hers with concern. "Meerab, did something happen? Why are you acting like this? Did someone say something" he asked, his voice laced with worry.

Meerab shook her head, "No, nothing happened. I just want to thank you for everything that you've done for me and everyone else in this house," she spoke as her eyes brimming with affectionate emotion. She leaned in and pressed a tender kiss on his cheek. Murtasim's eyes widened in surprise at the sweet gesture, and a warm, grateful smile slowly crept across his face.

"Wow, I guess it's my lucky day today," Murtasim said, his voice tinged with humor and genuine surprise.

Meerab held Murtasim's gaze, her eyes shimmering with love and admiration. "Murtasim, you inspire me to become a better person, and I'm just very grateful to have you as my husband," she confessed, her heartfelt words carrying the weight of her deep admiration for him.

Murtasim's heart skipped a beat upon hearing Meerab refer to him as "her husband." A soft blush crept across his cheeks, and he replied with genuine warmth, "Thank you, Meerab. But are you sure everything's okay?" he couldn't help but wonder about the sudden change of behavior in Meerab.

She hummed softly as they stood there, wrapped in a cocoon of admiration and comfort, a comfortable silence settled between them. It was a silence that spoke volumes, a promise of unwavering support as they embarked on their journey through life together, hand in hand.


Apologizes for any typos or errors.

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