Chapter 23

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Meerab had been relishing every moment of her time in Lahore. Her days were filled with cherished visits to her parents, and her heart swelled with joy as their relationship gradually returned to a state of normalcy. She rekindled connections with her friends, reveling in the sweet nostalgia of her old life in Lahore. Even though Murtasim had been preoccupied with work, it was clear to Meerab that he intentionally gave her the space to savor her time in Lahore and rediscover her old self.

She felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for having Murtasim by her side. He was more than just a caring and loving partner; he was the embodiment of everything she had ever wished for. Murtasim placed her needs and comfort above anything else, demonstrating an unwavering understanding of her, support for her decisions, and an unwavering commitment to helping her grow as a person.

Reflecting on the time when she first learned that she was to marry him, Meerab couldn't help but cringe at her initial negative perceptions of Murtasim. He had turned out to be a completely different person from what she had initially assumed, and she was grateful for that. The way he had encouraged her to mend her relationship with her parents had warmed her heart beyond measure. No amount of 'thankyous' could suffice for the depth of her appreciation, which is why she took it upon herself to express her gratitude in a special way.

With determination, Meerab decided to went on a mission: to create Murtasim's favorite sweet as a token of her appreciation - a luscious bowl of kheer. She meticulously gathered the ingredients, from fragrant basmati rice to rich, creamy milk. The thought of Murtasim's smile as he tasted the sweet, aromatic dessert motivated her every step of the way.


Murtasim realized that Meerab deserved to enjoy every moment of her time in Lahore before returning to the whirlwind of responsibilities awaiting her in Hyderabad. Determined to give her a taste of her old life, he made a conscious decision to grant her some much-needed alone time. While he couldn't escape a few work commitments, Murtasim was adamant about encouraging Meerab to go out and seize the day, rather than just waiting for him at home. And each day, when Meerab returned home with a radiant smile pasted on her face, a testament of her joy, filled Murtasim's heart with an indescribable happiness.

However, today was unlike the others. Murtasim returned home in the afternoon, stepping into the inviting aroma of something delicious cooking in the kitchen. Surprised by her presence, he greeted her with a confused "hi."

Meerab turned around, her eyes lighting up in surprise at his unexpected return. "Oh, you're back already?"

"Yeah," Murtasim replied, his curiosity piqued. "What are you doing? Didn't you go out today?" He took a step towards her, but she halted him instead.

"Wait!" she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "Sit over there and close your eyes. I have a surprise for you." She motioned toward the dining table, a twinkle of excitement in her eyes.

Murtasim complied, sitting down and closing his eyes with an eager grin. He could sense the anticipation building in the air as he waited, wondering what Meerab had up her sleeve.

Meerab, with a heart full of appreciation, moved towards Murtasim. She knew that this surprise was a way to express her gratitude for the unwavering understanding and support that Murtasim had showered upon her.

Finally, with a flourish, she announced, "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

Murtasim's eyes fluttered open, and there before him lay a sight that left him utterly speechless. A bowl of kheer, adorned with slivers of almonds and infused with the fragrance of saffron, graced the table. The dessert looked and smelled absolutely divine, a clear testament to Meerab's thoughtfulness.

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