Chapter 2

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It was a bustling Saturday at Waqas Ahmed's house. The air was filled with anticipation and excitement. There two reason behind these emotions:

Firstly, it was his daughter's graduation party and he was determined to make this day as special as he could for his daughter.

Secondly, after years, the Khan family was finally going to be guests at his home. While his friend Shahnawaz had visited several times before, today was special – Shahnawaz's entire family was coming over, warranting an extraordinary celebration.

So, since 8 in the morning, Waqas Ahmed had been busy arranging everything. "Anila, is the food ready? Ensure nothing is missing! Have the flowers arrived? Why is everyone slacking today? Let's get moving," he stressed, directing his requests.

As Meerab descended the stairs, she observed her father's franatic demeanor. "Baba, you need to take a breather. It's just a small party. No need to stress out. Sit down and relax for a while. This stress isn't good for your blood pressure," she consoled him, and they settled at the dinner table.

"I know but I am just quite excited. It's been a while since we've had such a gathering, and I want everything to be perfect for my daughter," he admitted, smiling warmly at Meerab. His heart swelled with pride seeing her grow into a confident, independent woman.

"I understand, Baba. But you must take care of yourself too," she expressed her concern. "I am, don't worry," he reassured her.

"Baba, I love you. You are the best father ever. Thank you for supporting me to achieve my dreams and always believing in me. I owe all my accomplishments to your love and support," her voice carried gratitude and affection.

"Meri beti, I love you too. You make me incredibly proud. I hope you remain happy in your life, no matter where you are," he responded, and they embraced. The emotional exchange brought tears to Anila's eyes. She silently prayed for their love to endure any challenges the future might hold.

Clearing her throat, Anila reminded them, "Remember, we have a dinner tonight. Enough of this emotional bonding sessions. Let's keep going; we still have a lots to do"

Breaking their embrace, Meerab teased, "You're just jealous of us." as they all broke into a laugh.

"Oh, that reminds me, Meerab. I mentioned that Murtasim and Mariam are also coming, right?" Waqas looked at Meerab, who nodded in agreement. "This means you have to set aside all your work and introversion. I want you to ensure they feel comfortable and enjoy their time in Lahore. You have to keep them company and show them around alright?"

"But Baba, I barely know them. How am I supposed to hang out with them? What if Mariam is dull and boring. Oh and Murtasim is a feudal lord right? I've read about them. They're arrogant narcissistic person with a huge male ego. What if he's like that? You know how much I hate such men who boss around women" Meerab protested.

"Meerab, don't jump to conclusions. I'm certain they're good kids, disciplined and pleasant. You've met Shahnawaz, right? He's a good man, and his kids would be no different," Waqas reassured.

"Uncle Shahnawaz is alright, well, sort of. I'm not sure; I don't like how he tends to hold different views about men and women, the gender bias gets me sometimes," Meerab replied.

"Meerab" he said warningly. "no more excuses. Please be a gracious host and extend a warm welcome to them," her father intervened, signaling the end of the conversation.

Meerab understood that arguing further was futile. It appeared she'd have to summon her inner social butterfly, one that barely existed, to interact with these acquaintances from her childhood.


As they were in the car, on their way to Waqas' house,  Shahnawaz Khan instructed his children "Now, I'm well aware that I don't need to remind you, but let's emphasize being kind. Make an effort to befriend Meerab. Waqas mentioned that she plans to take you around Lahore tomorrow. So, breaking the ice and feeling at ease is a good idea. Especially for you, Murtasim. I know you're not much of a talker, but I want you to get to know Meerab. Is that clear?" His words carried authority.

"Yes, Baba Sahab," Murtasim responded, his tone lacking enthusiasm. The thought of engaging in conversation with a seemingly random girl, especially considering the years that had passed since their last meeting, didn't exactly spark his interest. However, he was wise enough not to contest his father's directive, so he simply nodded his agreement.

As the Khans arrived at Waqas' house, the air buzzed with excitement between the longtime friends. The reunion after such a long time was heartwarming, and their greetings reflected their genuine joy. After exchanging pleasantries, they entered the house. "Where's Murtasim?" Waqas inquired. "He received an important call; he'll be here any minute," Shahnawaz replied.

"Meerab, come here, look Uncle Shahnawaz and his family are here," Waqas beckoned Meerab.

Meerab stood on the stairs, taking a calming breath. She had chosen her best shalwar kameez for the occasion. She was usually inclined towards Western attire, however, today she opted for traditional Eastern clothing, mindful of the Khans' conservative values. Clad in a stunning shocking pink dress with delicate gold embroidery and a scalloped dupatta, Meerab wasn't dressing to impress but to make a favorable impression on the people her father held in high esteem. As she descended the stairs with a touch of awkwardness, she scanned the room. There was Uncle Shahnawaz, a familiar face. By his side stood his elegant wife, Aunt Salma, radiating regal grace. Behind them was Mariam, who appeared to Meerab as equally nervous as herself, dressed in a simple blue outfit with a neatly pinned dupatta. "Assalamu Alaikum," Meerab greeted everyone softly, her nervousness evident.

"Wa Alaikum Assalam, Meerab beta! Congratulations on your graduation. Your achievement made us all proud, Mashallah," Shahnawaz beamed, embracing Meerab.

"Meerab, congratulations on your graduation. These gifts are for you, beta," Salma followed, offering her warm hug and congratulations. "Aunty, these gifts weren't necessary," Meerab tried to deflect, her shyness evident. "Oh no, they were a must. Topping your batch deserves recognition. These are tokens of our adoration," Aunt Salma insisted.

"Oh, and this is Mariam. Do you remember her? You two used to play as children," Aunt Salma reminded as Meerab's gaze shifted to Mariam, who mirrored her awkwardness yet offered a small smile. "Congratulations, Meerab."

"Thank you," Meerab responded, exchanging the smile.

"Why are we all just standing here? Let's head to the dining room and get comfortable," Waqas directed, leading them to the dining area. As they settled, Meerab found herself next to Mariam and took a deep breath, ready to initiate a conversation. "ummm hey, what do you do? I mean are you studying or something?" she inquired.

"Um, yes. I'm in my first year at university. Pursuing a literature degree," Mariam replied.

"Ah, so you're into literature?" Meerab probed, attempting to break the ice.

"Well, not really. It wasn't my choice, but Baba Sahab only agreed to it, so here I am," Mariam replied with a hint of disappointment in her eyes. Meerab empathized with her predicament. Forced into a path she didn't desire, Mariam's situation was a testament to the conservative and traditional ideas held by uncle Shahnawaz regarding the gender biasness in professions and studies.

Determined to steer the conversation toward a lighter topic, Meerab switched the conversation as they started discussing hobbies, favorite TV shows, and music. Through this exchange, the walls of awkwardness between them broke, and a genuine familiarness emerged.

Amidst the ongoing conversations, a knock echoed through the house. "Ah, that must be Murtasim," Shahnawaz commented. "Meerab, would you mind answering the door?" her father requested. Excusing herself from Mariam, Meerab headed towards the door.


Upon their arrival at Waqas Ahmed's house, Murtasim's phone buzzed insistently. Bakhtu's call explained the escalating situation in Gaon, prompting Murtasim to excuse himself from his family temporarily. He assured them he'd rejoin them shortly. The Maliks were becoming a significant headache in Gaon. The longstanding feud between their families continued to fester, and the animosity was reaching new heights.

Malik Mukhtar was somewhat bearable, but his recently empowered son was a different story. Malik Zubair seemed bent on stirring up trouble, employing cheap tactics to provoke Murtasim. Thieving their resources, intimidating their labor force, and causing destruction on Khan property. Now, he had audaciously gone a step further, demanding control over their land. 'Well, over my dead body', thought Murtasim. He knew this was a grave issue and there was an urgent need to take action, but for the time being, he instructed Bakhtu to put the matter on hold. He pledged to return to it later, his mind consumed by thoughts of devising a strategy to thwart the Malik heir's schemes.

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Murtasim composed himself and raised his hand to knock on the door. As the door swung open, a wave of something unfamiliar washed over him. It was as if time had momentarily paused, allowing him to fully absorb the sight before him. She was a sight to behold, radiating sheer beauty. Her choice of attire, a shocking pink suit adorned with gold embroidery, seemed to shimmer under the warm glow of the room's lighting, highlighting her grace and poise. Her soft bouncy curls further enhanced her beauty. The contrast between her defined jawline and the slight fullness of her cheeks added to her uniqueness. When her curious gaze met Murtasim's, it was as though her doe eyes held a unique brand of solace. He found himself drawn to her soothing yet alluring aura, unable to resist admiring her.

In a split second, realization crashed over Murtasim like a tidal wave. The scolding inner voice reprimanded him: how could he, so shamelessly, stare a woman? How embarrassing. The flush of self-awareness heated his cheeks as he registered the unintentional intensity of his stare. He wished he could disappear as he wondered what sort of an impression he might have left on her with his blatant gawking? 

Clearing her throat, Meerab, her voice like the sweetness of honey, initiated their interaction. "Hello, I'm Meerab," she introduced herself, her tone embodying warmth and shyness.

Murtasim, his heart racing as he fought the remnants of his embarrassment, gathered his composure with a determined gulp. Drawing in a deep breath, he managed a response, "I'm Murtasim, Shahnawaz Khan's son." His words hung in the air, wrapped in a veil of shyness and awkwardness that surrounded them.


As she swung the door open, Meerab felt her heart skip a beat. The man standing in front of her seemed like a living embodiment of a Greek god. His jet-black hair was neatly styled, adding to the overall charm of his appearance. The navy blue turtleneck emphasized his robust physique, suggesting a mix of athleticism and refinement. Draped in a black coat, he exuded an air of authority that couldn't be ignored. A faint hint of stubble adorned his strong breaded jawline, giving him a rugged yet refined allure. Oh and his moustache, Meerab swore she never really preferred men with rolled-up mustaches before because it often gave an look of rowdiness that didn't quite appeal to her, but for him, it was a different story altogether. His mustache seemed to frame his lips with an exquisite balance between strength and subtlety. It wasn't overpowering; rather, it highlight his features in a mesmerizing manner.

Their eyes locked, and Meerab couldn't help but notice the gentleness that emanated from his gaze. She was amazed by the contradictory nature he possessed, being both incredibly soft and extremely appealing. A sudden wave of realization crashed her. She was shamelessly checking him out, which wasn't like her at all.  Oh God!  Her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue of embarrassment, as she mentally scolded herself for being so blatant.

Clearing her throat to regain her composure, Meerab's gaze met Murtasim's once more. Summoning her courage, she introduced herself, her voice a touch more composed, "Hello, I'm Meerab." Her heart raced, nerves still jangling due to her earlier embarrassment.

"I'm Murtasim. Shahnawaz Khan's son," he replied, a subtle blush coloring his cheeks in a symphony of shared awkwardness.

"Oh, yes, I know you," Meerab responded bashfully, her words trailing off into a soft admission.

"Congratulations on your graduation," Murtasim offered, his gaze seeming to wander as if searching for an escape from the intensity of the moment.

"Thank you," she replied with equal softness, her voice carrying a whisper of shyness.

Silence hung between them, punctuated only by the heartbeat of their mutual awkwardness. Just as the silence began to stretch, her father's voice cut through the atmosphere, "Meerab, is that Murtasim? Bring him in, what are you guys doing there?"

"Oh, my apologies. Please come in," Meerab hastened her invitation, a blend of flustered embarrassment and relief washing over her. Both of them then proceeded to the dining room, joining the rest of the family, each harboring a shared sentiment of awkwardness resulting from their unexpected encounter.

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