Chapter 30

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Just when Meerab thought she had found peace, a volcanic eruption of emotions shook her world. Uncle Shahnawaz and Maa Begum were to return today, but no one had hinted at the unpleasant surprise they brought along. A surprise that left a bitter taste in Meerab's mouth. "Not this again," Meerab wailed inwardly as she locked eyes with Haya's up-to-no-good gaze. Was she the only one bothered by Haya's presence, or did others also sense her negative vibes? Meerab pondered as she sat in the lounge with Maa Begum, Mariam, and that annoying Haya.

The evening passed with Maa Begum catching Meerab up on the latest panchayat details and sharing stories of their stay in the gaon. When Murtasim arrived from work, Meerab could see the visible discomfort in his eyes the moment he laid eyes on Haya, who greeted him with a creepy smile.

Dealing with Haya had been nothing short of hell for Meerab in just two days. She couldn't comprehend how Mariam could befriend someone like Haya, but then again Mariam had no other options. They were of the same age, after all. Still, Haya's cringeworthy behavior towards Murtasim grated on Meerab's nerves. Although Murtasim had advised Meerab to ignore Haya and her bizarre antics, Meerab couldn't shake off the feeling of Haya shamelessly ogling her husband. She couldn't help but wonder who had named Haya because there was literally no haya present in her. The way she jumped to serve Murtasim water upon his return and how she fussed over him during dinner only fueled Meerab's annoyance.

Meerab even pitied Haya to some extent because it was painfully obvious that Murtasim had no interest in her. He had repeatedly rebuffed her advances, and yet, Haya remained oblivious to the signs. "How low must her self-respect be?" Meerab wondered as she and Murtasim prepared for bed one night. Murtasim had come home late and wasn't feeling well. He had mentioned his discomfort earlier, even declining dinner. Concerned, Meerab went to the kitchen to get him some medicine. Upon her return, she was stunned to find Haya leaving their room with a mug in hand. Anger surged within her, and she couldn't contain herself. "What are you doing here?" Meerab demanded.

"I made some joshanda for Murtasim since he wasn't feeling well," Haya replied, her eyes seemingly teary. However, the untouched mug indicated that Murtasim had rejected her gesture, and Meerab felt a sense of pride in him for that.

"Haya, do you have no self-respect? Murtasim has been consistently rejecting your advances, and yet, you're throwing yourself at him. Why are you degrading yourself like this?" Meerab asked, her pity for Haya genuine.

"I—I don't know. I love Murtasim, and I'll continue doing this," Haya answered, resolute.

"He's married! Don't you have any shame?" Meerab was visibly annoyed.

"I don't care," Haya replied defiantly.

"Haya, you're insufferable. Don't you understand, he'll will never be yours," Meerab said, recalling Murtasim's confession.

"Miracles do exist, you know?" Haya retorted with misplaced confidence.

"Well, until that miracle happens, Haya madam, thori haya karne aur mere Murtasim se dur rahein" (Haya, show some modesty and stay away from my Murtasim,) Meerab replied before walking away and closing the door, leaving a shocked Haya behind.


Murtasim hadn't intended to eavesdrop, but he found himself doing just that. He was in his room, suffering from a headache and a sore throat, waiting for Meerab to return with medicine. Instead, Haya had entered. "What are you doing here at this hour?" Murtasim questioned.

"I wanted to give you this joshanda. I heard you weren't feeling well," Haya said fondly.

"Haya! I have a wife now who can take care of me. I've never needed you before, and I certainly don't need you now. Please leave," Murtasim said firmly.

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