"You have plenty of time to do that later. Please, just get some sleep," he said.

"Yeah, I think I do need some rest. Thank you Dean," you said, laying down.

Right before you fell asleep, you heard Dean whisper, "I love you (y/n). Please remember soon. I need you."

It had been a week and, just like every cliche movie or book, you remembered everyone but Dean. People always brought in photos of the two of you together. Dean stopped showing up as much. People had told you how broken he was. You felt horrible. The only thing you wanted to do was remember Dean and everything you've done together. It broke you. 

Dean stopped talking to you completely saying something about giving you space. You couldn't remember him but everything about him leaving tore you apart. You remembered that you had love for him but you couldn't just fling yourself at him without remembering. It would hurt even more.

It had been a month and Dean hasn't even looked at you. He was distraught half the time and something just didn't feel right for you. You missed his smile, his voice, his everything.

During that time period, you had grown closer to Draco and his 'friends'. You went almost everywhere with them, but stayed in your Gryffindor pride.

Baby, I Love You
I never want to let you go
The more I think about
The more I want to let you know
That everything you do
Is Super Duper Cute
And I can't stand it

'Dean. Dean. Dean,' you tried to remember your 'boyfriend' but you just couldn't. It gave you a headache. 

Dean walked by you and you shot up, pulling him into a hug, "Dean. Please, I'm trying to remember. Please. Don't push me away anymore. It hurts more than anything. Please," your voice cracked at the end. You were crying. 

He looked down at you in shock before hugging you.

Everything about this felt right. 


"Dean? Can I try something," you cried.

"Yeah. You can," he said, holding back his tears.

You pulled him down to your height and looked him in the eyes. You remembered something.

"I love you Dean," you said.

"I love you too," he kissed you.

When the flashback ended, you knew what you had to do. You pulled him into a kiss. That was all you needed. Everything came back to you.

Let's sell all our shit,
And run away
To sail the ocean blue
Then you'll know,
That my heart is true

"Dean, I've missed you, so much," you cried tears of joy.

"You, you remember me," he smiled.

"I do remember you Dean," you laughed.

The two of you shared another long, passionate, kiss.

Baby, I Love You
I never want to let you go
The more I think about,
The more I want to let you know:
That everything you do,
Is Super Duper Cute
And I can't stand it

You two had rekindled a love that was lost for too long. Seamus was extremely happy you remembered Dean. He even threw a small party. Everything was right in the world, you know, except for You-Know-Who being back. Other than that, everything was perfect. 

"You know, (y/n), the only reason I stopped talking to you when you couldn't remember me, was because I couldn't stand you talking about 'old times' with everyone but me. Or, that you called everyone you remembered your friends and I was just Dean. It hurt," he sighed, while playing with your hair.

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