Both Liam and Zayn sing "I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if I do it's you oh it's you they add up to I'm in love with you and all these little things." At the end of that Liam looks down and wipes his eyes. I really want to go over to him to comfort him.

Louis starts singing "you can't go to bed without a cup of tea and maybe that's the reason you talk in your sleep and all those conversations are the secrets that I keep though it makes no sense to me."

I look over at Liam and I sing "I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape you never want to know how much you weigh you still have to squeeze into your jeans but you're perfect to me." I see more tears join the ones already on Liam's face and my heart breaks for him.

Niall's and I start singing "I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if it's true it's you it's you they add up to I'm in love with you and all these little things." I notice that Liam's shoulders are shaking in silent sobs. I wish I could go and comfort him but management won't let me.

Niall sits next to Liam and wraps an arm around him. Liam hides his face in Niall's shoulder. Niall starts singing "You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you you'll never treat yourself right darlin' but I want you to if I let you know I'm here for you maybe you'll love yourself like I love you ohhh."

I start singing "I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth cause it's you oh it's you it's you they add up to and I'm in love with you and all these little things." We all but Liam join in with singing "I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but it's true it's you it's you they add up to I'm in love with you and all your little things." As soon as the song has finished Liam wipes his eyes and rushes off stage. We all look at each other and know Liam just needs some time to calm himself down. I say to the crowd "Liam is alright. He found out something earlier on today. He is still shaken up a bit but will be fine." We continue the rest of the concert without Liam.

Liam's pov just before he rushes off stage.

As soon as the song finishes I wipe my eyes and run off stage and into the bathroom in our dressing room. I lock the door and I slide down the wall sobbing. I miss him so much. There is a knock at the door and I say "Go away." I hear Paul saying "Li it's Paul. Lou told me what Harry said happened earlier." I sob harder and Paul says "Li come out. I promise management isn't in here and I promise I'm not mad at you." I slowly stand up and unlock the door and open it. Paul takes one look at me and pulls me into a hug. I feel myself start to cry harder. Paul leads me to the sofa where I just sob into his shoulder as he rubs my back.

Paul's pov just before he found Liam.

As soon as Liam runs off stage I go after him knowing he will need someone there with him. I go into the dressing room and I hear sobs coming from the bathroom. I go over to the door and knock on the door. Liam says through his sobs "Go away." I say "Li it's Paul. Lou told me what Harry said happened earlier." At that he sobs more. I say "Li come out. I promise management isn't in here and I promise I'm not mad at you." The door unlocks and Liam walks out with tears all over his face. My heart clenches at the sight of Liam. I think of the boys as my sons and I hate it when any of them are upset or sick. I pull Liam into a hug and he instantly starts sobbing harder. I take him over to the sofa and I just try and give him as much comfort as I can.

Just after the concert has finished Harry's pov

As soon as we have finished our thank yous and goodbyes we all rush off stage. We go straight into our dressing room and I see Paul trying to comfort a distressed Liam. Paul looks up at us and says "He has been like this since he left the stage." I nod and I sit on the other side of Liam. I gently rub his back. He looks over at me and my heart breaks. His eyes are really swollen and his face is puffy. He instantly latches onto me and sobs more. I quietly hum a tune to him and soon he cries himself to sleep. I smile sadly down at him and say "Thanks Paul. I don't know what would happen if management found him first." Paul smiles and says "Lou told me what happened to his friend. I think management overheard and saw the way he was so hopefully won't tell him off." I nod.

When we get the all clear to go to the van. We all go to the van and get to the hotel. We go around the back and we go up to our rooms. I carry Liam up. As soon as I put him in his bed he says "Hazza say with me." I say "I am babe. I just need to turn off the light." Liam nods and I quickly turn off the light. I go back over to the bed and say "We should probably tell the fans why you left the stage earlier." Liam nods and says "Can you do it." I nod and say "Alright Li." I go onto my Twitter and open a new tweet. I tweet 'I have permission from Liam to tell you guys this. Today Liam found out some very sad news and it has affected him a lot. His mum rang him earlier this morning and told him that his childhood best friend got into a car crash and didn't make it. Liam was really close to his friend and is obviously very upset about his passing. Can I please ask you to be patient with us and understand that Liam might not be himself properly for a few weeks. He is still grieving his friend. Me and the rest of the boys will be there for Liam through this difficult time.' I show Liam and he nods. I post the tweet and soon it gets flooded with kind words to Liam and likes and retweets.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Over the course of the tour Liam Liam slowly became more like himself. Unfortunately Liam couldn't go back to England for Jack's funeral as they had a concert that night. Liam was devastated about that but they dedicated the whole concert to him in his memory. Liam is grateful that he has the boys with him

Liam Payne sickflicks part 2 (Requests open)Where stories live. Discover now