- 20 - Plans for the future

Start from the beginning

Then Mom and Pang stared at us and I was afraid of what they're gonna say.

"Do you... have something to say?" I asked and they looked on my hands which were intertwined with Akk's.

"It's just, we were thinking... when will you start living together? On your own..?" What are they talking about?

"Well, Pang told me that you don't have enough privacy here. I'm sure you know what I mean, son, so I'd like to contribute to your own condo."

"But you already pay for my studies!"

"I know you'd return it someday to me but as a student, you can't afford much and when I see how you both complement each other... I'd help you and we can't take advantage of Pang's help for a long time..."

"Right, what if I find a boyfriend?" I wanted to laugh at the thought but on the other hand... living with Akk without being afraid someone would knock on the door or burst in... it'd be less stressful.

"But I don't want you to get into debt because of it."

"I have some savings and maybe Akk's parents, if they could of course, would like to help you as well." I feel bad that it'd be someone else paying for us but even if I found a part-time job, it wouldn't be enough.

"No mom, Akk doesn't like to depend on his parents and I also can't take money from you... living together can wait." She looked like she wanted to disagree but in the end she gave up. I looked at Akk who looked more relaxed after this theme was over. We are still too young, it'd be rushed.

"Alright, it's your decision, Chon and I understand it. In the end, it'd be better if you fought with your issues before settling up. Living together can cause many arguments when you are still not that used to each other." Akk nodded and I was glad mom got what I meant besides the financial issue.

She turned to Akk again who just finished his plate.

"I'm sorry, Akk, I didn't even ask you about your parents but if it's too personal for you, it's alright."

"No, it's fine. My mother is a lot like you but she's more introverted and my father as well... about the living together... I agree with Chon. We also struggle with financial situation and I'd like to earn everything myself." She smiled.

"I see... I'm really sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable but your parents sound great. If it was possible, tell them I would like to meet them someday personally." Akk smiled and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sure they'd like to meet you too, Ma'am-."

"Please call me Nam, I feel old." We laughed.

"I'm sorry, Khun Nam."

"Just Nam is fine, let's leave formalities behind." If she was too extra, she'd want to be called Nong even though she'd be older than the person.

"Nam..." Akk didn't feel comfortable but Mom was finally satisfied.

"I won't bother for too long. Now that I've made sure Chon is in good hands, I leave him to you but if Tonhon approaches Chon, I'd like to count on you, Akk."

"He was actually very brave when he stood up to him."

"You did it, Chon?! Before you were so afraid to confess... that could make Tonhon think about what he has done when you told him yourself. You keep surprising me, sweetie." She stroked my head and I blushed. I felt so good when I wasn't afraid anymore to say what's on my mind and that was thanks to Akk.

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Born To Meet You | AkkChon | FirstKhaotung fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now