"You know, if I had a penny for every time that I heard that, I would be richer than Phoenix," I grunted.

She giggled. "It's because you are..."

Jumping from the counter, I stepped toward her. "Immature? Silly? Childish?"

Her hand grabbed my bicep and I tensed at the warmth it gave me. She seemed to falter her teasing, her voice becoming soft as she leaned in close to me. My eyes dropped to her lips, my wolf grumbling as she stood a mere inch away.

"All of the above," She whispered, her warm breath fanning my cheek.

"Is that a bad thing?" I mumbled.

Lips curled upward and my eyes flickered back to hers. The brown was mesmerising, swirls of molten dark and milk chocolate peered up at me. Calida was growing bold, and I was having a hard time leaning in just that inch closer.

My wolf whined and my chest tightened. I knew I was a difficult person, Phoenix and Sean told me often. They would often tease me that my mate would need the patience of a saint, that I was too crazy and moody. It was a joke at the time, but the more I thought about it, the deeper into the hole I fell.

What if nobody wanted me?

What if my goddess-given mate couldn't give me the time of day?

What if I was too boisterous, too loud for them?

Calida's lips brushed my chin as she peered up at me through her lashes, and my breath hitched at her next words.

"I think it's perfect."

With a groan, I took the initiative and closed the gap. Her lips moulded against mine with a  sharp gasp and I pulled away a mere second later. My mouth warmed where we touched, my body buzzing as I rested my forehead against my mate. She was silent, her heart hammering through her chest so loud I could hear it.

Did I just take it too far?

"I'm sorry," I muttered.

Hands trailed up my bicep until they rested on my shoulders. Her nails, although long, drew ticklish fire through the shirt I wore. I felt the goosebumps rise, the hair on the nape of my neck standing to attention. Fingers moved, trailing the edge of my t-shirt's collar before slowly sliding beneath it. The bare touch of her skin settled against either side of my neck, and I became all too aware of how her palm rested against the spot I hoped to bare her mark.

Uncertain, I pulled my head away to stare down at her. My lips parted, about to question her but her fingers curled around the back of my head and forced my head back.

"Shush," She muttered.

Like a puppet to a master, my head was forced downward until our noses brushed. She tip-toed, leaning close until her lips brushed mine. My palms grew sweaty, unsure of what I was supposed to do.

But she did all the movement for me.

Her mouth caressed mine, a soft, lip-gloss-coated kiss that tasted of cocoa butter. Her warmth seeped into me, warming my chest as I stood rock-solid with shock.

The moment she attempted to deepen the kiss, I snapped back into reality. With a deep growl, my arms curled around her waist and pulled her closer as I moved my mouth against hers. A fire built in my gut, my entire body erupted in flames as her body pressed against mine. Her scent surrounded me, her heart hammering through my own ears.

My hands wandered, cupping her waist, and her shoulders, slipping beneath her jumper to feel her smooth skin as I pulled her tight. Lips parting, I was surprised when she let my tongue taste her. My mate moaned softly, and I groaned, nibbling, tasting, sucking every inch of her mouth that I could.

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