Chapter 43

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Somewhere in Iceland

"Say something.", she urges him.

"I can't."

"You just did.", she sighs.

He had fallen for her? When? How? When she had all attempts to actually prevent it?

But he is right about one thing – they both never had a reason to hate each other.

Right now, they aren't making progress by staring at each other, shocked about the other's words.

"Where's the helicopter?"

Their getaway.

"I don't know.", Connor mumbles.

"You didn't even ask Damian."

"No, but I heard everything.", said Damian suddenly says over the intercom, "And Christ, I have to say one thing. Watching you two fighting your feelings is like watching grass grow."

How'd he know about that too?

Was Damian the one in the conversation she overheard?

"Just get the helicopter here, will you?", Connor asks, slightly annoyed.

"Already on it.", Damian replies.

As if on cue, the sound of helicopter blades slices through the distance.

About damn time.

The helicopter sways in the sky, the gusts of snow and wind clearly messing with it, too.

Any minute now.

Adira waits with Connor, until the helicopter has lowered to the ground. The strong wind coming from the rotation of the blades and the resolving loud noise make it impossible to hear whatever Damian is yelling at them both.

But she can tell by how his lips move that he's demanding to get in.

Connie sits next to him.

Connor climbs into the back first, then lowers his arm to grab Adira's.

She ignores it and jumps up herself to get in, earning an eye roll from Connor.


After they both are strapped into their belts, the helicopter takes off again.


Adira can see the skyscrapers fly by. The helicopter doesn't land. And even the building DEVICORP's compound is in gets passed by the helicopter.

"Why aren't we landing?", she asks quietly, confused.

"That was only a temporary shelter. Never the real thing. No one knows the real thing.", Connor says next to her, his voice carries a certain hint in it.

"So, what you mean is that we're going somewhere else?"



Said real thing turns out to be an abandoned factory building.

The helicopter lands on a field of dead grass and a crumbling metal fence a few feet close by the building.

"And the Cops never suspected that building?", Adira asks as she climbs out of the helicopter and stretches her back, looking up to the worn brick walls and shattered upper windows.

"Bought the permit for a warrant.", Connor simply replies.

"So what? So they'd... never get the chance to even look into it?"

"Would you want that?"

No. She doesn't think so.

DEVICORP's compound has been an abandoned factory building all along...

Connor takes the lead and walks up to the rusty metal shutter on one side of the building and rolls it up.

Dread creeps up in Adira.

Maybe she shouldn't be here. But Connor leaves her no choice, he drags her inside.

The inside turns out to be a garage – a little smaller than the one in the high-riser in downtown New York, but just as modern and up-to-date telling from the interfaces and electrics mounted to one of the walls.

Adira can't look for long enough, Connor means business. He drags her with him through a smaller door and a narrow hallway until he stands in front of another door.

Adira has a major Deja Vu moment. Behind the door, an equally as wide and furnished room sits.

"Yours.", Connor briefly says, "Or you can leave. Nothing is keeping you here, after all."

He's right. Nothing keeps her here.

"I don't know.", Adira dumbly replies.

Connor sighs. "Like I said, when this is over, we'll part ways. You go back to killing, or live a normal life. I go back to doing my business. Like the other never existed, and you... agreed."

Adira rubs her temples and starts to take off her gear. "I don't want to. I don't want to go back to killing. I don't want to part ways, I-I want to start a new life, yes. But not parting ways means I'll stay here and... that means I'll go back to killing."

Her jacket lands on the bed, her weapon belt too.

Connor leans against the wall. "I wouldn't force you to-"

Adira sighs at his words.

"Hey, look. I need you for one last thing. No mission this time. But it's something you'd want."

She raises an eyebrow. "If you make me edge again I swear t-"

A grin tugs at his lips, one that she hasn't seen in a while.

"No, not that. Come on, I'll show you."

AGENT BLAZE | Aimed To Kill © [Blaze-Blue Duet One]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon