Chapter 6

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Bill's Office, Agent Compound Velocity

Bill has another mission. Another chance. The chance. Adira needs to focus - this decides everything. Her breath hitches as she struggles out of the rusty chair she has sat in.
Her heart still gallops as she exits this horrifying room. She internally still hears the screams of her own and of the people who succumbed to their pain. As if the walls of this room hold memories.

Her footsteps echo in the empty stairwell as she makes her way up to Bill's office.

She needs to focus.


More than she did last mission.

"Yeah?!", Bill's annoyed voice barks through the thick old wooden door that separates the office from the rest of the Agent Compound.

Adira presses down the handle hesitantly and the door squeals in the hinges as she walks in. Bill's office is held in green - only green. His favorite color, as anyone can imagine. The walls have a vintage looking sage wallpaper with faint golden details and the interior is antique.
The backrest of his huge dark brown leather chair squeaks as Bill leans forwards to study Adira. She holds her breath and shrieks as his gaze gets more intense while he fiddles with a pen in his left hand and his other taps impatiently on the armrest.

"You're early.", he finally mutters.

"I apologize, Sir.", Adira whispers and looks to the floor ashamed.

She knows, she might have entered at an unwanted time. Bill occasionally likes to spend his time with rich women in his office.
Talking, like he always says. But everyone knows the noises that sometimes seem to escape the office are from another activity, so to speak.

Bill just looks at her and cocks his chin towards the empty chair in front of the old wooden desk that takes in half of the room. Adira's senses already tell her - Bill and her are alone. But that doesn't mean that nobody besides Bill can't see her. The backrest squeaks again as her mentor leans back again and flicks a file towards Adira. Her fingers tremble as she fumbles around to pick it up. Bill's gaze still studies her.

She knows - every moment from when she left the interrogation room can be lethal and will be analyzed. Velocity always knows where Adira is, a tracker chip in her left wrist is that reminder. Her eyes focus on the file. Breathe. In. Out. Now read.


Name: Connor Thorndawn - Agent Blue
Corporation: DEVICORP

Association: Data theft


Objective: Ruthless Kill

"I assume you got the main issue here?", Bill's voice tears her out of her concentration.
Adira nods.

Connor Thorndawn – her enemy. Working for DEVICORP, the opponent to Velocity.

It is drilled into Adira's mind to hate Connor, to kill him when she gets the slightest chance to.

To prepare her for this mission. She knew, this mission would come at some day. She has been sent out many times to find and neutralize the threat Thorndawn, and some days she wasn't able. She didn't fail, it was impossible to even make him out.

Her main purpose of working in Velocity is killing him.

But now, she will be sent out again, right after she failed a mission.

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