Chapter 37

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Private Room, DEVICORP Compound

Connor leads her into a private room.

The clock reads late at night. Weirdly enough, that is the most times she has been active.

It's almost like the days float past and when night dawns, DEVICORP stirs awake.

Adira is tired, yet when she thinks about closing her eyes right now, she sees the image in her mind. She can't let go of it, not now.

She takes a seat on the black leather arm chair, sinking into the soft cushions. A sigh almost escapes her lips. This might be the most comfortable chair she has ever sat on.

The room is dimly lit, a few candles the only source of light besides the one lamp stood in the corner.

The flames of said candles flicker as Adira bends forwards to inspect an article on the newspaper freshly from today placed on the low coffee table in front of her.

Connor walks in behind her, carrying the scent of the strong coffee he just had.

He, too, must be tired.

His eyes tell a lot.

The smell mixes with the whiskey he pours for himself.

"Want one?", she hears his low voice ask from the bar behind her.

"No.", she quickly replies, as she turns to face him, "I don't ... drink."

Connor raises an eyebrow at her. "This is not mission protocol right here, you know?", he smirks and jokingly motions to the distance between the two.

Adira shrugs. Still, Connor doesn't take her for her word and fills a glass for her as well, throwing in a few ice cubes. He then hands it to her.

The rich honey-like color and the smokey rough scent instantly remind Adira of the mission she failed – when she had killed Carter. The man who brought her parents into debt.

And thinking of Carter, she automatically thinks of Anitha, of Eliza and... of Bill.

And her heart suddenly feels... heavy.

Something she hasn't felt in years – homesick.

Adira swirls around the liquid in the delicate glass and watches the ice cubes slowly melt as her thoughts travel distant.

She is in fact so zoned out that she doesn't notice Connor walking over to her and taking a seat across.

Only his eyes intensively studying her tear her out of her trance.

It seems like he almost knows what Adira has been thinking about.


He smirks but for the first time it doesn't seem amused. More like he genuinely is... concerned about her. But he catches his composure and suddenly, his arrogant side is present again.


These words make her scoff. Internally, she is nervous. She doesn't drink as a habit. The last drink she was offered was laced with drugs, that was a few years back. By her mentor. To teach her to not drink, with a tough lesson. Now, she avoids alcohol like a plague.

But Connor on the other hand... if he wanted to kill her, he would have done so already.

... Right?

After a quick exhale, she raises the glass to her lips. The sip she takes burns down her throat like she just swallowed a fire ball.

"Gh- God, Jesus...", she coughs and clears her throat. Connor is seemingly amused as he empties his glass in one swift movement.

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