Chapter 4

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The government has always been unpredictable.

Living in a dystopian city, the politicians really don't care about anyone or anything other than themselves.

The only times they care is when it's about money, data theft or death reports.

One thing collaborations cause. Two things two organizations cause.

DEVICORP and Velocity work in the dark – both organizations hidden from the bare eye, and from the government.

Highly trained Agents either live to steal or kill.

People who make or have an impact on the economy are their targets. Because in order to make an impact on the economy in a time like this, one would need sources, and hidden plans.

Plans the government tries to hide, too.

Plans the civilians are interested in, since they deserve to know who they are supporting when they are paying taxes, making donations, voting.

The government and the influential people – people like Carter Sheffron – are a threat for society.

And DEVICORP tries to solve that by finding the servers where people like Carter keep their data – their plans – and steals it, making it then public.

A harmless way of taking action.

Velocity on the other hand only sees one option to solve the issue of people like Sheffron. Murder. Killing them, removing them from the stage they are standing on, making it seem like an accident and then draping a white sheet over their existence.

They are not the same. Never have been. Never will be.

They have the same intentions, they want the good, one with the right and the other with the wrong actions.

Two enemies – with deep down no reason to hate each other.

Agent Blaze - Aimed To Kill  | NSFW ver. [Blaze-Blue Duet One] ©Where stories live. Discover now