Chapter 28

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Adira is still pissed at Connor.

So much in fact, that she avoids any eye contact or conversation.

After they have arrived back at the compound, she angrily rips out her earpiece and storms off to the bathrooms. She doesn't shower yet, she only washes her face and changes back into normal clothing – the spare clothes she finds in her dresser, again. For this mission, she did wear a uniform, wholly black. Similarly suited like hers from Velocity.

Apparently, Agents from DEVICORP do wear uniforms.

She will shower after she had a word with h-

„Agent Blaze, for a word.", Connor demands while he stands in the doorway. He really knows how to sneak up on her, since she gets startled yet again.

"You can knock. Do you know that word?", she mumbles.

He sighs. "Come on, I'll make it quick."

She nods briefly. Internally, though, she wants to shoot deadly gazes at him.

She pulls herself together until they both leave the room.


Connor leads her to an elevator. She paints out what his intentions might be.

„Hell no, I'll take the stairs."

He grins. „Come on, just because we would be in a... confined space doesn't mean my intentions would be the same."

His voice is thick with the irony. Adira flips him off and indeed takes the stairs.

She is not ready to get pushed to an edge she never reaches in the end, again.

Her steps echo through the stairwell as her breath begins to hitch.

What does he want to talk to her about?

Why does she keep thinking about that?

Maybe he just wants to discuss the details about Part Two of the mission – the Gala in two days.

But he'd... need to talk to Damian and Connie then, too.

Only when she reaches the top of the stairs and sees the slightly open red exit door in her vision, her thoughts come to an ease.

Adira squeezes through the gap of the door.

The night air surrounds her, hitting her square in the face.

She didn't know how much she'd miss the smell of outside after being held inside of this... temporary shelter – this compound.

Of course, Connor is here on the rooftop faster than her, waiting, his back turned to her.

Her feet make almost no sound on the rooftop as she walks towards Connor who is silently leaning against the railing, looking out into the empty space.

He doesn't turn to her once, but he still notices her approaching.

„You wanted to talk?", she asks, trying to let her voice sound annoyed.

It is cold here, almost chilling. Connor's breath curls in the air as he exhales, but he isn't shivering, although he's only wearing a shirt.

„Wanted to talk about the past mission – well, Part One of the mission."

His voice for once doesn't sound pitying. It sounds honest.

And Adira doesn't like that.

„Look, if you are here to point out all the things I fucked up after your protocol, then I'm not having it, asshole.", she grumbles.

AGENT BLAZE | Aimed To Kill © [Blaze-Blue Duet One]Where stories live. Discover now