Chapter 33

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Adira takes a moment to catch her breath before she places the sniper rifle next to the wardrobe she got it out from. Then, she fixes her hair in the huge too-the-floor mirror on the side of said old hardwood wardrobe. She lifts her chin to rub her neck and suddenly stills for a second.

Her pulse rises.

But she continues to act unaware and just straightens the adjustments of her dress, watching her reflection, and then leaves.

Internally, though, she knows why her reflection was a millisecond slower than her. And also why it didn't have her signature butterfly tattoo behind her ear.

She's been watched.


„Connor? Status report!", Adira calls into her earpiece as she practically runs down the hallway, past Donnwell's dead body. He's bleeding out, the blood seeps into the carpet, looking like a water stain.

A Clean-up has been called.

Adira needs to get back to the crowded area. She needs to mix under the people, to lose that person following her.

What happened?", Connor's voice sounds a tad bit worried.

Adira takes a turn around the corner, passing the restroom she pretended to go to earlier.

„We need t-"

Suddenly, she gets pulled back by a delicate skinny arm and perfectly manicured black nails – identical to hers, and a piece of cloth is pressed to her mouth and nose.

„Lights out..."

These are the last words Adira hears being whispered in her ear before she could defend herself and her world drowns in emptiness.

AGENT BLAZE | Aimed To Kill © [Blaze-Blue Duet One]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt