Chapter 39

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Somewhere in Iceland

"Are you fucking serious, Connor Thorndawn? Why the fuck are we doing this and most importantly, what are we doing here?", Adira complains as she pulls the hood of her padded jacket deeper into her face.

"I don't know, if you for once stop complaining, Adira Catwill, we might have a chance to actually pull through this in daytime!"

Adira's joints ache through the cold chilling air around them both, as Connor leads the way through what seems like many feet deep snow. There's only white around her, Adira can only spot snow, snow and more snow.

Like an endless blanket, it stretches over the vicinity.

The snow falls at an angle, causing her to constantly blink away the flakes that have caught on her lashes and skin, biting and stinging worse than frostbite.

The harsh wind makes it almost impossible to keep the eyes open.

"Where are we going?", Adira asks, sighing. Her breath curls in the air. She raise her feet in an attempt to make the next step, shoveling snow aside doing so.

This is suicide.

A slow and painful death.

"Are you still behind me?!", she can hear Connor's suddenly concerned voice in the distance.

How did he manage to get that much distance between her that she didn't even realize? This fast?

Adira squints her eyes. A few feet in front of her – more than would be safe to her – she distinguishes the outline of Connor's dark jacket. It vanishes and pops up again, all while white gusts of snow blow between her and him.

"Yeah- Yes, I'm here!", she calls back.

Where are they going?

There is no difference to tell between backwards and forwards, left or right. She could have been walking in a circle for all she knows.

Adira has lost track of time and orientation completely now.

"Where are we going?", she asks into the direction she heard Connor's voice from last time.

No response.

Cold shivers run down Adira's spine.


Still nothing.

"Connor, answer me!"

"Yes, I'm here."

A strong hand grabs her arm and suddenly yanks her back. "Watch out."

Right in front of Adira's thick boots, a cliff angles down into a wide abyss of more white, probably leading down a couple thousand feet.

"Watch out or it's you who I'll file a death report for.", Connor mumbles, his voice almost drowned out by the howling of the wind up here, but she still understands him clearly.

They must be on top of some sort of hill, mountain or cliff.

And Adira almost stepped into a death trap.

"Thanks...", she mumbles as a quick reply.

This is ill-considered.

Connor lets go of her arm again and walks out front. His shape disappears behind a gust of snow for a second.

When it appears in the next, Connor doesn't move.

"Don't move!"

Hos tone gives off a clear warning.

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