Chapter 20

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"New mission!" The voice of the usual guard wakes Adira and she groggily opens one eye to glance at the cell gate, to the guard leaning against them.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm up."

Internally, she still feels the tingles Connor caused on her yesterday.

Oh, how she despises herself for even thinking back to it.


The walls of Bill's office seem to suffocate Adira. She sits at the table across from her mentor and waits for instructions.

She can't fail this mission now, too.

A file gets tossed to her on the hardwood table.

She takes it and turns the pages. The business card she got from Carter before she killed him drops out and lands on the table in front of her.

Instantly, she remembers Carter's struggling breaths, his hand reaching out for something that wasn't there.

Adira swallows and scans the file.

CODE RaveCon

Name: Eliza Sophia Backmann – Granddaughter of Carter Sheffron (deceased), Daughter of Anitha Backmann (deceased)

Corporation: Del Grosso
Association: None

The picture of the girl smiling innocently into the camera gives her goosebumps.

Adira remembers five distinctive words from Carter.

'Don't hurt her, or you'll-'

Did he mean Eliza? His granddaughter? Anitha? Someone else?

"Sir, I am supposed to kill a girl without any criminal association?"

Bill smirks. "I thought you wanted everyone who had something to do with your parents' debt dead?"

Yes. Yes, she does. But not at every cost.

"Alright, so I'll kill her just because she is his granddaughter?"

Her mentor nods, but his eyes narrow at her. "Is that you hesitating to fulfill an order? To complete a mission?"

Adira shakes her head. "No, Sir. No. It was just a... question."

"Whatever," he mumbles.

"The mission takes place at this year's Cosplay Convention RaveCon. That's the address on the business card – quite profane, if you ask me. Your goal is to get in there, gather intel about the target and her location, kill her and leave. Make it silent and unnoticed."

Adira swallows from Bill's words.

At a Cosplay Convention - and at RaveCon too – the biggest Cosplay Convention in the US, an international event every four years.

She has to make the best out of it.

„You will dress up, tickets are with your costume. Questions?" he asks, slightly annoyed.

Adira shakes her head.

„Great, leave. I have things to do."

The Agent leaves Bill's office.

She has no idea how t-

A fast comes to her mind.

She knows exactly how to make this mission work.


The costume looks awfully good on Adira as she inspects herself in the mirror. Her brown hair is tied together in a ponytail and she's wearing a gray tank top with black shorts. She has no idea who this character is supposed to be, but telling from the leg strap and – for the first time fake - gun she was given, that female character must be a bad-ass.

Agent Blaze - Aimed To Kill  | NSFW ver. [Blaze-Blue Duet One] ©Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora