Chapter 5

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Agent Compound Velocity

The gates close behind the limousine. Adira can feel every single one of her heartbeats ten times stronger, the pace reverberates deep in her chest. Her mind is racing around the fact that she had failed a mission.
A mission that she had prepared for for long enough to actually pan out.

Bill had found out something she had overlooked. The bodyguards of Carter have been alerted.

She still doesn't know how.

She remembers she heard a sound.

Was that the guards trying to break in?
Vanessa, Damian, Connie and her had thought through and planned every step they had taken at that casino.

But Carter is dead, isn't he?

That is what she signed up for.


Adira looks away from the window she had leaned against, only to see Bill staring at her. His eyes speak the truth.
He is very disappointed. The chauffeur rolls down the window to talk to the security guards at the cabin behind the gate to open the gate to the garage.
They talk quietly and the chauffeur holds up a key card - the same kind of card which Adira has.

Except he is a driver.

And she is elite class agent.

The security guard waves the limousine through and closes the barrier after. The car drives through the gate to the garage, Adira's view suddenly being illuminated by the neon lights of the inside of the parking garage. Adira knows every twist and turn of this garage. This is one of the spots she usually trains at.

Motorcycle training. One thing she always looks forward to.

The car comes to a stop in a parking lot at the very end.

It takes about five minutes to go to the elevator, which leads to the compound.

Make it one if Bill is angry.
Which he is now.

Bill immediately throws open the car door, storming out. Adira barely has time to move, but her mentor also opens her door and grips her arm tightly. He pulls her out of the car, already marching for the elevator.

His grip tightens with every step, it feels like a restraint being pulled tighter and tighter.

Adira's heels click on the concrete floor, as she hurries after him to catch up. The two of them reach the elevator.
Bill presses the button to call the lift multiple times.

The doors open and they both enter.

After the doors close and the elevator starts to move, silence spreads.

Adira is embarrassed.

She should have known.

She should have fucking noticed.

The silence rings in her ears.

"Say something", she wants to tell Bill.

But she doesn't and he doesn't say anything, either.

The lift comes to a stop earlier than she wants it to and the doors slide open. Bill looks at Adira, fuming.
"You have ten minutes. Ten fucking minutes and you will be at the training hall."
With that said, he storms of, already texting wildly on his phone.
To give all of them - to give Velocity - time before Carter's company catches up to them.
Because that is what happens when someone of Velocity fails a mission.

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