Chapter 10

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Holding Cells, Agent Compound Velocity

Has it been ... a day? Two days?


Adira leans her head back and thinks while she listens to the steady scrunch! of Connor's shoes crunching on the gravel that came lose from the walls of his cell as he wanders around in his cell.

He clears his voice again.

„How I see it, we are stuck in the same shithole – literally. But the thing is, I can solv-"

„We are not in the same situation!", Adira practically shouts out, so loud that her vocal cords get raw.

„Jesus, girl, you are loud. No wonder your parents let you apply here out of free will."

"And your mom should have swallowed. But here we are, I am stuck with a fucking quail!"

"Well, you'd be better off as a stain on the bed sheets too. And also, I am a sexy quail then."


Agent Blue really has his ways of making her blood boil until it is about to boil over. He takes all power from her insults.

Adira wants to punch the walls around her, the cell bars, herself, the air.

Until her knuckles are bloody, until her bones have shattered.

"Oh, gotten all quiet?"

„Fuck, I can't wait until I see your fucking face again, I will tell you, your arrogant fucking grin won't stay there for long. And your teeth also won't."

She can hear Connor fake a yawn. „Oh, I can't wait ..."

„I want to punch you so bad!", she mumbles to herself.

„Yes, you stated that a lot now. Anything else in the chamber?"

Adira decides for the better to stay quiet.

In her mind, she already lists the ways she will go after him when he has served his sentence.

And she will make sure he suffers.

Bill never stated how long it would be.

For her, it's three weeks. For her enemy, though?

Why should she care?

Adira looks around in her own cell. It isn't spacious, it is about twelve feet wide and eight feet long.

One crudely-made bed with shabby covers stands in the corner, the only thing standing out besides that is the metal ring in the wall to which the chain around her ankle is attached.

If she pulled hard enough-

Adira had tried to break out of these cells before, it is pointless. No matter how strong she pulled on the chain, it didn't budge.

The dirty concrete floor has marks – scratches – of past captives scratching against it with their nails.

Adira also knows it's best to not do that, she doesn't even want to know how many germs and diseases are gathered on the ground.

Staying in these cells isn't out of the ordinary. There is an optional fifteen-minute break in the morning where the inmates are led to the restrooms and two security checks at night are scheduled. At random times. Meals are sparely handed out throughout the day, sometimes even skipped, and since these cells lie in the basement, it isn't hard for the captives here to lose track of time. That's why meals are the same from breakfast to dinner, also not given at specific times. It's almost like Bill wants the inmates to end up brainwashed.

Adira's eyes catch on faint scribbles on the brick wall, this being her only source of distraction besides the roiling fury in her blood.

Agent Blue doesn't know the compound's insider tips and she also doesn't want him to ever find out.

He will, at some point, though.

She already painfully anticipates her next mission so she can get out of here to catch a breath from the toxicity of this Agent.

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