Chapter 11

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Holding Cells, Agent Compound Velocity

The days go by fast. Faster than Adira can reckon them pass. It wasn't long after she was thrown into her cell that she lost track of time.

Food hasn't been served yet.

Not an issue for her, she can handle it.

But Agent Blue in his cell next to hers has been practically listing more reasons for her to hate him for his behavior.

Right now, he decides to ruin Adira's moment of peace by clearing his voice obnoxiously loud.

„What, caught a cold?", she sarcastically snorts.

„I'm allergic to your bullshit. Also, there's a guard coming."

Adira follows Connor's words - against her will - and looks out between the narrow spaces of the cell bars.

In fact, the door opens and a guard with a flashlight walks in, first passing Agent Blue's cell, then Adira's.

She already expects it to be standard protocol, normal check-in with the inmates – since, for all she knows, it could be nighttime already.

But the guard doesn't stop at the cells like usual, he keeps walking and shines his flashlight towards a cell at the very end, then eyes Adira slumped over in her own cell.

Please, let her have the cell in the back.

She can't stand another second breathing the same air as Agent Blue.



The guard reaches for the radio attached to his shoulder strap.

„Bring 'em in."

With that, the heavy steel door opens again, making the hinges squeal.

Footsteps of two guards approach Adira's cell, dragging someone with them.

That someone turns out to be an Agent – an Agent from Velocity, as the Velcro tag on the shoulder reads. An Agent from recruit class.

Adira gets shivers. She still remembers her first time in the cells, the first time she was thrown here.

She was a recruit as well. Almost every recruit fails a mission and ends up here, to learn.

She can barely decipher any features of this Agent, his face is covered in blood, a steady trail following his feet being dragged behind. He seems to be unconscious.

Bill's work.

She is sure absolutely no one in this compound agrees with her mentor's motives. But everyone is afraid to stand up against him.

The cell gate in the back is opened and Adira can hear the painful thump! of a body being thrown on the ground. Then, the gate is closed again.

She can't breathe, it hurts to inhale. She feels like she is the Agent who just got painfully thrown there.

As soon as the steel door closes again and the guards are gone, Connor lets out a sigh.

„You do this to everyone?"

A sound close to a „Yes" from the girl.

„That's fucked."

Adira is not allowed to agree with an enemy.

She hates him.

She backs away from the cell bars, until her back hits the back cell wall, the rough bricks scratching her shirt. The chain around her ankle rattles.

It is bound around her leg so tight that it sometimes scratches her skin, almost drawing blood.

It feels like sandpaper.

In her training, Adira has learned how to break free from chains like these, but the lock mechanism is too difficult to pick without the right tools. Also, it would be pointless either way.

Her eyes catch on the chain links, already overthinking how long they will stand against her trying to break out.

But the metal is too hard, too strong to give in any time soon.

Adira feels like a chained dog in a cage.

„So, I might be stupid, but you fuck up a mission and get thrown in here, caged up like animals?", Connor states from next to her cell, followed by the sound of his chain rattling.

He, too, is chained up.

„Yes, and you're stupid."

Connor seems to chuckle, which spikes Adira's rage again.

"Listen here, you little shit, you are laughing now, but after I served my sentence and you are free again, I will kick your ass!", she warns.

But that doesn't seem to impress him.

Even trying to block out his presence isn't possible, he only has to say one foul thing to her and all of Adira's efforts are blown away by her aggression.

"I'm hungry."

Now it is Adira who laughs. "Go fetch a fucking rat, dumb-ass, it shouldn't be hard finding one here."

That apparently makes Connor furious now.

"I'd have to catch you. But this wall is in my way."

There is the sound of something hitting the bricks, probably the palm of his hand.

"I mean, what kind of fucked place even is this? I get thrown into a dark cold cell, no food, no water, a Fucktard brat next to me and a mentor that threatens and punishes his students?"

Every word of his makes sense. But Adira can't change things – they are the way they are.

"If you stop complaining, then there will be food soon enough. The guards know if you complain and don't give you food on purpose. But the suggestion of the rat still stands.", Adira sighs as she hears her own stomach growl.

The last thing she hears from Connor is a mumble, close to "Bitch.", before she leans her head back against the wall and closes her eyes.

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