Chapter 1

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Agent Compound Velocity

"You hate him.", her mentor snarls into her ear.

Her fist hits the punching bag – again and again and again.


Late night training drills.

"You hate him."

"I am taught to hate him.", Adira stops in her movement.

"I don't hate him."

A punch right to her guts. "You do. You hate Agent Blue. Say it! I won't let you go until you do!"

Adira doesn't hate him. She doesn't have a reason. Instead, it gets drilled into her mind that someone not even remotely close in connection with her is supposed to be her enemy. And it works.




Resisting doesn't work.

She throws another punch at the soft already patched leather of the bag hanging from the ceiling.

"You hate him. Let me hear these words."


Adira takes a shaky breath. Exhaustion rolls over her body, her punches get sloppier and weaker.

A gun is pressed into her back. "Continue."

These words are cold, yet they also speak a threat.

Continue, I won't hesitate to kill you.

Adira grinds her teeth and starts again.

She hates...

"I hate him...", her words start off in a fast thought, then go over to a low mumble.

Her mentor leans in. "Say it."

She hates him.

"I... hate... him..."

Again. Again and again, she punches the bag.

Until her thoughts have become chaos, until the name Agent Blue tastes sour on her tongue, until fury roils in her blood at the mere thought of him.

"You hate Agent Blue."

"I hate Agent Blue!"

She hates him.

Oh, she hates him so much.


Adira exhales and collapses in a heaving pile of exhaustion on the floor, while Bill – her mentor – walks away, his hands in his pockets.

AGENT BLAZE | Aimed To Kill © [Blaze-Blue Duet One]Where stories live. Discover now