Twenty Six

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"what?" Matthew who was blushing like crazy managed to blurt out.

"What what?" Jiwoong asked again while his hands were still wrapped around Matthew's waist.

"Uh nothing.." Matthew mumbled before starting to damp Jiwoong's wet hair again.

Jiwoong smiled mischievously knowing what he was exactly doing.

After few minutes Matthew moved away making Jiwoong flinch at his sudden movement who looked up at him.

"What's wrong?" Jiwoong asked Matthew.

"Let's just let your hair dry on its on now since the water isn't dripping from your hair anymore" Matthew said while walking towards his apartment's window to dry the towel which was wet from absorbing Jiwoong's hair water.

Jiwoong just sat on the couch looking at Matthew's action.

Matthew came and awkwardly sat beside Jiwoong and the room started to fill with silence.

Matthew was never this awkward with Jiwoong but today he felt like it was the most awkward situation he has ever got himself into.

It felt like Matthew's extroverted side betrayed him.

Matthew really regretted inviting Jiwoong and he wasn't even lying.

Or maybe Matthew was just shy?

Matthew has always found Jiwoong cool and sexy and he will not deny it.

When Matthew first saw Jiwoong he thought he would be an intimidating person who is difficult to work with but turns out Jiwoong was really different from what he thought he would be like.

Turns out Jiwoong was the silliest and goofiest guy he ever met.

But also a flirt.

This was the not the first time when Jiwoong flirted with Matthew, He was always flirting with Matthew and every other person who existed.

So Matthew thought Jiwoong was not being serious with his meaningful words and pickup lines he used on Matthew.

"So what now?" Jiwoong spoke while turning his head towards Matthew who was lost in his own thoughts.

"Huh what?" Matthew flinched as he shot his head towards Jiwoong who was already looking at him with those dreamy eyes.

Jiwoong stared at Matthew for awhile before leaning towards the younger Canadian.

"Why are you being so awkward?" Jiwoong asked as he cupped Matthew's fluffy cheek with his right hand as he caressed it feeling the softness of his cheek.

"I am not..." Matthew awkwardly said trying to deny the allegations of being awkward at the moment.

Jiwoong chuckled as he removed his hand from Matthew's cheek and scoot closer towards Matthew.

"I hope the dinner today was not boring for you I mean my brother in law was being too dramatic but I hope that didn't bother you" Jiwoong chuckled as he remembered Zhanghao's whines during the dinner.

"No he seemed like a nice and fun person" Matthew said smiling at Jiwoong, "and your cousins were nice too" Matthew added.

"Hmm they sure are but we aren't really close with eachother tho" Jiwoong said as he leaned his back on the couch.

Matthew turn behind to look at Jiwoong who was currently leaning on the couch with a confuse look.

"You aren't? But you seemed pretty close tho" Matthew asked.

"I mean me and Minseo have pretty good relationship with eachother but Hanbin and I were not really fond of eachother" Jiwoong remarked.

"And can I ask why?" Matthew asked as he wanted to know more about Jiwoong.

"Sure..Not tryna flex or something but while growing up I was good at things than Hanbin. In studies, handling situations, socialising, work, and many more so Hanbin's father who is also my uncle always compared him with me so Hanbin started to dislike me" Jiwoong explained as he shrugged his shoulders like it wasn't a big deal but deep down he felt kinda sad for not having good relationship with Hanbin.

"But that isn't your fault tho!? Why would he hate you for that" Matthew exclaimed as he thought about the situation.

The awkwardness between them was long gone now.

Jiwoong chuckled as Matthew's cute exclaim as he found Matthew slightly frowning which made him look adorable.

"I am sorry but the one to put the blame on is his own dad for doing that how comes bring good at everything than him is your fault" Matthew complained.

Matthew was too offended to realize who he was bitching about that he kept continuing doing that.

"Like come on! What kind of parents would looks down on their children at the first place. I have heard a lot about Mr.sung during work, He really had a attitude that needed to be fix during the past...Thank God he change otherwise I would have- shit" Matthew stopped bitching about Me.Sung as he realised who he was talking to right now.

Matthew was no were near Mr.Sung to even talk shit about him, He was just an employee working under Mr.Sung's nephew's company.

And if Jiwoong wanted he could fire Matthew right now for talking shit about his Uncle but Jiwoong just stared at Matthew with pure shock before laughing out loud.

"You are absolutely correct Matthew, My uncle really had some sort of attitude problem in the past but it's all good now" Jiwoong smiled as he didn't really mind his favourite employee talking bad about his Uncle.

Since whatever Matthew said was true.

"But that still doesn't solves the relation between you and Hanbin" Matthew mumbled as he pout his lips feeling bad for his boss.

How dare someone dislike a person like him.

Matthew personally could never hate Jiwoong.

"Why are you so pressed about that? Do you care that much about me?" Jiwoong asked as he stared into Matthew eyes which were sparkling under the lights reflection.

"Ofcourse I do you are my boss" Matthew said.

"I wonder when you will start considering me more than your boss" Jiwoong spoke as he slowly leaned towards Matthew who was oblivious about his action.

"Ofcourse I do" Matthew giggled.

"Oh you do? So what do you think ofe as?" Jiwoong asked as he stopped leaning.

"Guardian figure" Matthew joked earning a light pinch on his nose from Jiwoong who smiled at Matthew with pure adoration in his eyes.

"Funny huh?" Jiwoong asked while poking Matthew's stomach who laughed as he tried to defend himself.

"I am sorry-hahahaha" Matthew fell on the couch with Jiwoong on the top of him tickling the younger who was laughing hard.

As They were lost on their own fun they didn't realise what kind of position they were currently in.

With Matthew on the bottom laying on his back with his hands wrapped around his own abdomen as he tried to avoid tickles from Jiwoong, With Jiwoong on the top of him with the small boy trapped between his legs.

After the playful fight Jiwoong finally managed to grab Matthew by his wrist  and pin him down on the couch.

Both of them seemed out of breathe after the silly game they played.

Both of them were lost deep into eachother's gaze when the top one slowly started to lean in.

Jiwoong leaned closer until their nose touched eachother's before stopping, "I can stop if you want to" Jiwoong told Matthew who opened his eyes which he closed when Jiwoong was leaning in expecting a kiss.

Matthew stared at Jiwoong's brown eyes before speaking,

"I don't"

Mattwoong for better life

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