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Zhanghao was playing with his mobile phone laughing at stupid videos he found on tiktok when the reality suddenly hits him.


I am really married.

I actually did fucking married my sister's fiance?

My sister did actually ranway from home?

Suddenly nothing made sense to Zhanghao as he recalled everything that happened yesterday.

How his family made him marry the guy who knew for ten years but also didn't really knew him.

The guy who hates him.

Zhanghao still remember how he used to have a crush on Hanbin during there high school times but everything went downhills when his sister started dating his crush.

"I cannot believe I used to have a crush on this jerk. thank God I moved on" Zhanghao said to himself.

But did he really moved on.

Zhanghao didn't know why but he actually liked the idea of being Hanbin's husband even tho this is almost an act to save his family's reputation.

Zhanghao shook his thoughts off before checking the time.

It was almost 12 in the afternoon so he quickly decided to search some nice food on the internet.

After scrolling down for more than half and hour he finally decided to order kimbap, spicy rice cake, chicken soup and spaghetti.

Hanbin said they are coming 4 in total.
One his mom another being his dad and other two are probably the guest

Zhanghao waited for food arrival by walking around the front yard, he admired the flowers which were planted on the flower pot when the bell ringing in his main gate distracted him,

Zhanghao quickly went to open the gate to see the delivery guy carrying plastics of foods, Zhanghao payed for the food from the credit card Hanbin gave him and thanked the delivery guy before entering inside.

Zhanghao hurriedly went to kitchen and warmed up the food he just ordered,

Despite of his lack of knowledge in cooking, zhanghao knew how to microwave the cold food.

After warming up the food he prepared the table of the dining hall, he was taking out some wine from the freeze when he heard bell ring, Zhanghao hurriedly went to open the door with apron still wrapped around his body which made him look like he actually cooked the food himself.

Zhanghao opened the door to see three extremely familiar and two unfamiliar.

Zhanghao quickly bowed to his in laws and to the guests too

"Oh he is the guy Hanbin hyung married?" A tall guy with huge doe eyes spoke to which Mrs.Sung replied excitedly, "Yes Gyuvin, this is your brother in law Zhanghao be polite to him ok." To which Gyuvin nodded with a smile, "hello brother in law Zhanghao nice to meet you" Gyuvin said bowing to Zhanghao to which Zhanghao awkwardly nodded.

"Aren't you going to invite us in Zhanghao?" Mr.Sung joked to which Zhanghao nodded, "oh yeah yeah please come in!" Seeing Zhanghao panicked for no reason made the people around him chuckle a bit because of how cute he is. (no cause he is actually really fucking cute, I wanna bite him nom nom nom) anyways.

They all went inside directly to the living room, As they all entered the living room they looked around admiring the beautifully designed interior, Mrs Sung said it was all Hanbin's choices, The furnitures, the curtains, the wall painting, the ceiling's design everything was chosen by Hanbin.

"Hanbin was really excited for his marriage, He wanted to live together with his partner after marrying." Mrs.Sung said making the guests let out a small laugh.

Zhanghao smiled at the cute thought of Hanbin too, but something inside pained his heart cause it wasn't Zhanghao who Hanbin was marrying but his sister, so that means Hanbin probably chose the designs which were suitable for Jinxi.

They are pretty nice tho.

"Love did you already prepare the lunch?" Hanbin asked Zhanghao softly making Zhanghao choke on his own spit.


Zhanghao stared at Hanbin for a moment, He felt something inside his stomach when he heard the word "Love" coming out from Hanbin's mouth.

Focus Hao focus.

Hanbin is nothing but a horrendous jerk don't fall for that workaholic man.

Zhanghao calmed himself down before speaking."Yeah, I have already prepared the table, let's go eat before the food gets cold."

Zhanghao said to which all of them agreed.

They all went to table which Zhanghao setted and took a seat on each chair leaving one beside Hanbin and the other guest who Zhanghao still had no idea about.

After serving them all Zhanghao finally took a sit next to Hanbin and started eating his food.

"Hao darling did you make this food by yourself?" Mrs.Sung asked Zhanghao to which Zhanghao kinda hesitated to answer. He looked over Hanbin who was signalling him to say yes, but something inside Zhanghao didn't wanted to lie to them.

"Uh...uhm..No mom I order it from online restaurant, I have never cooked so I was kinda afraid that I would ruin the food I am sorry." Zhanghao truthfully said apologizing in the end.

Hanbin silently cursed inside after seeing Zhanghao saying the truth when he could have just lied.

Silent covered the surrounding for a while before Mrs.Sung spoke again with a gentle smile on her face.
"It's okay hao you don't have to be sorry, How about I teach you how to cook?"

Zhanghao smiled as he liked the idea of learning how to cook by none other than his mother-in-law who owns a really popular bakery.

"Yes please can you teach me how to make one of your popular mango pudding." Zhanghao excitedly ask making a tall later who was busy devouring the food as if it was his last day one earth shot his head up.

"MANGO?!" Gyuvin excitedly screamed making the people around him laugh.

"Gyuvin where are your manners?" The older one from the guest spoke while Handing Gyuvin a tissue.

"Oh sorry hyung." Gyuvin apologized before wiping his mouth and the table which he stained a little while eating.

"Oh you don't have to do that Gyuvin just leave it like that, I will clean it later." Zhanghao said trying to stop Gyuvin who looked at him with a questionable expression on his face.

"Zhanghao hyung are you a male wife?" Gyuvin directly asked making Hanbin spit out his food. They all looked at him like he just said the most problematic illegal sinful thing,

"Gyuvin that's not a question to ask!" The another guest spoke to which Gyuvin replied again." Why? I am just asking okay, I was curious."


"It's okay Jiwoong hyung, He did said he was just curious and No Gyuvin Zhanghao is not a male wife, I mean he is but he also have a job he has does to earn money." Hanbin said making Zhanghao offended

"I am not a fucking male wife" Zhanghao whispered-shouted at Hanbin who just ignored his words.

"Stop talking about those thing kids"
Mr.Sung said before changing the topic from male wife to how gulf is one of the best sports making Gyuvin silently groan, not only Gyuvin but Zhanghao too.

Gosh I hate sports.


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