Twenty Three

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Zhanghao rubbed his eyes softly before fluttering the open, He groaned when he felt a slight hit of pain on his head.

Zhanghao turned around to the otherside of the bed and stared at the person sleeping beside him with his eyes half open, He stares at the person for few seconds before opening his eyes shoot open.

Wait what!

Zhanghao frantically sat up waking the other latter who yawned before sitting up too.

"Oh you are awake?" Hanbin asked Zhanghao who looked at him red blush on his cheeks.

Zhanghao nods.

"You must be feeling hungover wait stay here I will bring something for you." Hanbin says with a hoarse voice before walking out of the bedroom.

After few minutes, Hanbin brought a glass of honey lemon water to ease Zhanghao's headache.

"Here drink this." Hanbin said while handing the glass to Zhanghao who gladly accepts the it.

"Thankyou" Zhanghao thanked Hanbin in a small tone.

"Do you have plans today?" Hanbin asked Zhanghao who was drinkin gthe lemon water.

"Umm I don't think so why?" Zhanghao asked Hanbin.

"Oh since Minseo is back dad invited us and your family for dinner" Hanbin said to which Zhanghao gave a nod.

"Oh ok then" Zhanghao said before standing up from the bed still feeling dizzy, he was about to walk inside the bathroom but was stopped by Hanbin grabbing his wrist.

"Hmm?" Zhanghao hummed at the sudden act of younger.

"Do you remember about yesterday?" Hanbin asked Zhanghao with a hint of hope in his eyes.

Zhanghao frowned while trying to remember yesterday's event.

"Oh yes your sister gave us a surprise" Zhanghao said while smiling, Hanbin couldn't help but chuckle at the clueless older boy.

"Yes but anything else" Hanbin asked again still with a hint of hope in his eyes.

"Hmm??" Zhanghao hummed pupil travelling here and there trying to remember more about yesterday's event when it suddenly hits him.


Zhanghao remembered a blur memory from yesterday of him confessing his long time on Hanbin in the party infront of everyone.

Fuck that's so embarrassing...

Is Hanbin mad about that?

Should I lie and say I don't remember anything?

Zhanghao bites his lower lips before mentally cursing himself, Zhanghao looked at Hanbin who was still waiting for his answer.

"I..I am so sorry Hanbin, I didn't meant to do that! I was just so drunk" Zhanghao apologized Hanbin whil reasoning his actions.

Hanbin stares at Zhanghao for a second making Zhanghao more nervous before letting out a soft giggle.

"You are so cute when you are like this" Hanbin said while pinching the older's cheek.

"W-what? Are you not mad at me?" Zhanghao asked Hanbin who shakes his head, "No I am not, why would I be mad?" Hanbin questioned before speaking again, "I was waiting for your confession since forever and I am glad you feel the same" Hanbin smiles before pecking Zhanghao's lips who was still processing Hanbin's words.

Zhanghao who was still confused couldn't help but smile back.


It's been awhile since Hanbin and Zhanghao are doing better in the relationship between them.

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