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It's been one week and Zhanghao hasn't attended the p.e class Hanbin is starting to wonder if the Chinese boy is okay or not so he decided to check up on him.

Hanbin asked lots of people about Zhanghao and they all said they had no idea where he was.

Finally he approached a blonde looking guy who was busy on his phone.

"Um excuse you know where Zhanghao is?" Hanbin asked a he approached the guy.

"Oh hey Hanbin! Zhanghao? He is currently in the music room right now." The blonde informed to which Hanbin thanked with a smile.

"Thanks Kuanjui!"

Hanbin went to the upper floor where the music room was, He could hear a violin being played from a distant which he guess was probably Zhanghao.

Hanbin approached the music room's door and opened it to see the most elegant thing ever.

The room was kinda dark with Zhanghao on the stage with the spot light on him, He played his violin while feeling the sound of the instrument.

Zhanghao looked like he straight up jumped from a fairy tale to Hanbin.
He swore he just felt butterflies in his stomach.

Hanbin got so mesmerized by Zhanghao that he didn't even realize that Zhanghao has stopped playing violin and was staring directly at him.
When he realized it he violently blinked his eyes before clearing his throat.

"Urm Hey Zhanghao" Hanbin awkwardly waved to Zhanghao who also waved back to him in the same awkward manner while approaching Hanbin.

"Hey Hanbin..."

"Uh I was just wondering why you weren't attending the p.e classes anymore I thought you liked playing sports" Hanbin said to which Zhanghao slightly opened his mouth to.

"Oh about that....I had a really bad cramp on my leg after running a lot that day so" Zhanghao told Hanbin.

"Oh is your leg okay now?" Hanbin asked Zhanghao who noded.

"Yea why do you ask?"Zhanghao asked.

"If so then you should probably join us for our new basket ball tournament practise" Hanbin suggested Zhanghao.

Zhanghao opened his eyes wide.


Sports and Zhanghao never really fitted well together.

"Me...playing basket ball?" Zhanghao asked as he points at himself to which Hanbin nods making Zhanghao laugh in nervousness.

"Ahahahahahaha....ha."Zhanghao ends his nervous laugh with a sigh.

"F-fine" Zhanghao agreed as he saw no other choice except for it.

"Ok then see you at the stadium then." Hanbin said leaving the music room.

After Hanbin left Zhanghao let outs a huge cry from his mouth dropping himself in the floor.

"Stupid stupid stupid hao" Zhanghao scolded himself while hitting himself softly with the violin bow.

"What was I even thinking I could have just made an excuse instead of agreeing!" Zhanghao cried out

"I don't even know what basket ball is called ugh! All because of a stupid crush!" Zhanghao cried again but little did he knew, His whines were all heard by someone who was still outside.

Hanbin who stopped his track halfway and returned back to the music room because he had forgotten to tell Zhanghao what time he was supposed to come to the stadium, he was about to open the door but was stopped when he heard Zhanghao whining to himself probably.

Wait what

He likes someone from the sports club.

Hanbin wondered who was the person Zhanghao liked from the sport clubs that he joined for.

Somewhere in the back of his mind Hanbin thought that the person Zhanghao liked was actually him.

"But that isn't it?"

End of flashbacks

Zhanghao was currently laying on the bed he was currently sharing with Hanbin while playing with his phone when a knock disturbed him.

"Come in" Zhanghao said and the door opened to reveal a tall blonde guy.

"What's wrong Ricky?" Zhanghao asked the blonde guy who showed up in front him all of the sudden.

"What do you mean can't I check up on my cousin randomly" Ricky said making Zhanghao roll his eyes.

"Okay Ricky thanks for checking up on me never knew you cared this much for me" Zhanghao sarcastically made an remark making Ricky giggle before he jumped on the bed next to Zhanghao.

"Hey- don't do that it's not my bedroom" Zhanghao said as he panicked.

"Oh come on Hao I won't ruin your husband's bed okay now just let me lay here for few seconds" Ricky said as he sinked deeper into the sheets relaxing himself.

"Ok that's it now get up!" Zhanghao said quickly pushing Ricky off the bed who just fell on the floor.

"Ouch Hao what the heck I cannot believe you just choose your lover instead of me your bestfriend" Ricky dramatically states before standing up to leave.

"Wait where are you going?" Zhanghao asked Ricky who was about to leave the room.

"Don't wanna breath next to a backstabber." Ricky stated.

"Wait don't leave I have so many things to tell you about." Zhanghao said and Ricky's eye slightly opens up when he realised they were gonna gossip

"Uhmm...if you say so" Ricky sassily says before sitting next to Zhanghao.

"The guest living here for like a month because the older guy Jiwoong is here for a business work" Zhanghao talked as Ricky listens to him.

"Oh the good looking one" Ricky states making Zhanghao nod.

"Yea the good looking one- wait that's not anyways and I feel like Hanbin doesn't like being around Jiwoong" Zhanghao said in a wishpering manner while leaning towards Ricky's ear.

"Oh.My.God I thought that too cause the tension they had during dinner was extreme" Ricky gasped dramatically.

"But why do Hanbin has some beef going on with everyone" Ricky asked to which Zhanghao shrugged

"I don't know maybe because he is a little snitch who always snitch on other people just like he did to us maybe he did that to Jiwoong too-" Zhanghao was suddenly cut off by someone by the door.

"Who are you calling a snitch?" Hanbin spoke from the door making Zhanghao's and Ricky's heart drop on the floor as they looked at eachother with the 'oh no we fucked up' look.

Zhanghao slowly turns towards the door to look at Hanbin before giving him a awkward smile.

"Huh...just an old classmate of Ricky's" Zhanghao lied to which Hanbin raised his eyebrow at.

"What do Ricky's classmate has to do with Jiwoong then?" Hanbin asked making Zhanghao curse inside his his mind.

"Uhm guys it's getting late I will go now good night" Ricky said standing up from the bed and speed walking out of the room leaving Zhanghao alone to face the upcoming consequences.

Ricky you traitor.

After Ricky left Hanbin again turned towards Zhanghao and asked "Who were you shit talking about again?"


Sorry for not updating I was grounded lol

Anyways enjoy~

Let You Break My Heart -HaobinWhere stories live. Discover now