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"fuck...." Zhanghao wishpered underneath is breath as he realized what kind of problem he got himself into.

Oh no what do I do?

Should I act like I was sleep walking?

Zhanghao's mind filled up with random stupids thought as he thought for a excuse.

"Stubborn much aren't you?" Hanbin spoke, standing up from the sofa with hands inside his pocket, He slowly made his way towards Zhanghao who was just standing still with his hands together ignoring eye contact with Hanbin.

"Zhanghao you are a grown man why don't you act like one" Hanbin said offending the older one as he let out a gasp.

"What do you mean act like one? I do!" Zhanghao fought back making Hanbin let out a chuckle.

"See that's why I call you immature, you need to grow up." Hanbin spoke before leaving Zhanghao standing there like an idiot.

"Immature?what do you think of yourself?! Workaholic bitch even the drug users aren't addicted to drug as much as you are with your works you just don't know how to live a life." Zhanghao shouted at the latter who was leaving the place.

Hanbin was unbothered by whatever nonsense Zhanghao was blabbering until one sentence made him stop his track and something inside of Hanbin snapped out.

"Maybe that's why Jinxi ran away." Zhanghao spoke without any thought, without thinking about how the outcomes of his words might bring, it was too late too take back his words

Hanbin turned back before pacing towards Zhanghao, who took few steps behind.

Zhanghao closed his eyes as he thought Hanbin will probably punch the shit out of him but opened his eyes again when he felt nothing.

Zhanghao saw Hanbin standing infront of him, staring at him with cold eyes.

"You don't know the whole truth Zhanghao so it's better if you keep your mouth shut."Hanbin spitted out before leaving the place.

Zhanghao stared at the disappearing figure of Hanbin, Did he felt guilty? Yes. Will he bring that again if he had too? Yes.

Zhanghao rolled his eyes before leaving the hall, Zhanghao went to his bedroom and messaged Ricky about his safe journey from cafe to his house.

Zhanghao quickly changed his outfit into something comfortable before diving into his bed and getting into a comfortable position.

Zhanghao unknowingly smiled at the comfort-ness almost drifting into a deep slumber when he shot opened his eyes.

"Shit I forgot to pee" Zhanghao groaned but decided to wait until it gets really urgent.

Zhanghao woke up to birds chirping outside his window, he slowly stretched out his limbs before opening his eyes.

"When did i fell asleep?" Zhanghao wondered as he didn't remember falling asleep.

"Oh shoot did I went to pee or peed on the bed" zhanghao panicked before checking the bedsheets to find it all warm.

Zhanghao sighed in relief as he found out that he didn't wet the bed.

"Not gonna lie that would be really embarrassing" zhanghao said to himself before laughing it off.

Zhanghao went to the bathroom and followed his morning routine, taking dump, showering, skincare routine, brushing teeth he did all of the things he does every other morning.

After wearing some random tshirt he found inside his suitcase, Zhanghao checked himself on the mirror.

"So Zhanghao are you ready to serve" zhanghao said to himself while giving a kiss to his reflection before exiting the bathroom.

Zhanghao went downstairs while playing with his phone almost tripping on the stairs.

Zhanghao was in really good mood today, he believes that 'no bad situation can stop Zhanghao from slaying everyday' thing which is the said guy's motto.

Zhanghao went to the kitchen to find out Hanbin in his all black suits eating his breakfast.

Hanbin really looked good in those formal outfit, Zhanghao couldn't deny it. Hanbin was a ideal husband every woman and gay man wishes for except for his work addiction.

Zhanghao would be flexing Hanbin to his friends once they meet up.

"Oh where are you heading too?" Zhanghao asked Hanbin as if it wasn't obvious as heck. Zhanghao just wanted to delete the awkwardness from yesterday's 'small' argument they had.

Hanbin looked at Zhanghao who was standing at the table without raising his head before munching his food without replying the latter.

And Zhanghao was kinda starting to feel guilty, Maybe being workaholic is better than fooling around.

"I...I am sorry ok-" Zhanghao was cut in his mid sentence by Hanbin.
"why are you bringing that up just forget about it just like I did and stop bothering me" Hanbin said without looking up just focusing on his meal.

Zhanghao was left speechless by Hanbin, so I felt bad for nothing

"Anyways I will be coming home early since my family and some few guests are coming here for lunch and dinner. The guests might live here for few days so pack your things up and move them into my room, we need to pretend like we are actually a married couple"Hanbin said before adding again, "And also prepare lunch by 1, the guests are lactose intolerant so avoid any dairy products" Hanbin said to Zhanghao not caring if he is actually listening to his words or not.

Whereas Zhanghao looked at him with bored eyes.

"You know I cannot cook" zhanghao said making Hanbin sigh.

"Then just order something from a good restaurant" Hanbin suggested an idea using his smart brain.

"But Ain't no way I am sleeping with you in you room" Zhanghao said to which Hanbin instantly replied while wiping his hands and mouth with tissue as he finished eating his breakfast.

"I don't want to either Zhanghao"


Update lol

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