Chapter 73 - Clothes

Start from the beginning

"Ew... You saw that ? " I murmured, shivering.

Alice slowly nodded, shivering as well.

I prohibited myself from trying to interpret her words. I never wanted to have these kind of images engraved in my mind. I could only feel bad for her.

I guessed, I would have to warn the boys not to stay too close to the house.

"Carlisle, Jasper, Emmett and I will be running off to the Mt Stasha for a two day hunting trip." Edward informed me.

So it would indeed, just be between the girls and I. Weighing up the pros and cons of Alice's proposal, I was able to remember a con which I hoped she thought of beforehand.

"Your scents will be all over the house, it'll be too painful for me to breathe."

Alice brushed the idea off with her hand. "You'll sleep in Edward's bedroom. And we will keep the windows open. Come on, just say yes !"

She was very lucky that I was exempted from patrol this week, until finals would be over. I was sure though, that the shifts would be more intense once I would be done with school.

"Okay." I finally accepted.

Alice squealed while clapping her hands a little too fast to be done by a human.

"Is there anything you want to eat ?" Alice asked me.

I shook my head. "Snacks is fine. I'll be eating with the boys today." I answered, while walking backwards towards my car.

"I'll pack your bag and bring it home, if you need me to."

"I might actually need you to, to be honest."

I had no intentions to go back home to pack right after the boys' graduation. Besides, I was sure that we would gather together after the ceremony.

"Consider it done ! I'll see you later !"

"Yeah, yeah." I trailed off while hopping in my car.

Alice was ranting excitedly about what we would do to Jasper, while sitting in the backseat of Edward's Volvo. My eyes met Edward's who was still standing outside of his car.

"Good luck" he mouthed, smirking.

Have a nice trip - I thought to which he nodded to, before I turned on the ignition and drove off.


The pack kept on growing bigger and bigger.

We believed firmly that our genes woke up at the presence of vampires in town, which was why the Cullens along with Victoria and the unknown intruder made not only one but two werewolves turn. And the scariest part was that the more transformations there were and the younger the new shapeshifters were.

Collin and Brady were a year younger than Seth only, who was already too young in my point of view. Although they wouldn't like it, there was no way either Sam or I would have them near the front rows in case of hunts such as last weekend.

Both Collin and Brady were being supervised by Sam and Jacob, since their classes ended sooner than ours at Forks High, while Quil, Seth, Embry and I assisted to Paul's, Jared's and Ricky's graduation.

Although this ceremony could seem trivial, I couldn't help but be happy for them. Especially for Paul and Jared who could now rest without having to think about the school they had to be dragged to almost every morning.

After the ceremony, the boys, their parents and I gathered at a restaurant at the reservation where I realized that most families had thought of the same idea. So much, that it seemed like I was in the middle of one big gathering between people who all knew each other. The place was noisy, but lively as people talked over their shoulders with families seated around them.

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