When they all like you | maknae line

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Sunoo's my best friend, Jungwons my ex but still friends and Ni ki is my frenemy and as wrong as this may sound fuk my life I love them all so now I'm avoiding them 😁.

I was sitting in class listening to the teacher which is a very RARE occasion but eh gotta try n not become a complete failure, the teacher was chattin some shi when someone threw a piece of paper at me.

I turned to see Ni ki waving and mouthing something making me furrow my brows until he did something with his hands which made me understand as I picked up the paper and opened it.

Meet me in the arts room after school
-The man of ur dreams

I rolled my eyes and nodded at him making him smile to himself as I went back to concentrating on the board.

I put my books in my locker and made my way to the arts room, I started filling my poor brain with thoughts of what Ni ki wanted to talk about?

I finally reached the arts room but as soon as I entered the door was slammed shut and I turned to see the three people I was avoiding fuk me 💀.

I widened my eyes and pretended to take a seat before I dashed it to the door but failed as Sunoo stood in front of me with a raised brow "going somewhere?" I groaned these sexy bastards.

"Let me go, I gotta go home" I tried to push past Sunoo but I was just pulled away by Ni ki "behave" he glared at me making me mimic him.

Jungwon smirked and looked at the boys "tie her up" my eyes widened as big as the fukin sky "YAHHHHH" Ni ki threw me over his shoulder as Sunoo pulled some rope fuk knows where he got it from and tied my hands to the arms of the chair.

I glared at Jungwon "fuk you" he smirked "we've already done that princess" my face turned red as I avoided his boba eyes "HYUNGGGGGG" Ni ki groaned as Jungwon chuckled "chill you know you want her as well" he went over and pat Ni kis shoulder.

"What do you want~" the boys shared a knowing smile leaving me fukin clueless "well princess we have a confession to make" I sat back and waited.

They all walked up to me and stood directly before me "we like you" well that wasn't expected "eh?" They chuckled as I continued to question "aaall of yyyou like mme?" All three of them nodded.

"Wow" Sunoo held my hand and crouched down to my height "we all love you and have decided to share you if you'll accept us?" And that is why Sunoo is my bestie, he's soo sweet n caring.

I smiled and reached to caress his face but ropes 💀 "dude" I signalled to my hands as Ni ki rushed over and ripped off the ropes "damn" he shrugged "they really weren't that hard to rip off your just weak" I stuck my tongue out.

Jungwon slapped the back of Ni kis head "shut up" he pouted but went silent as Jungwon walked up to me and held my hands "we don't need your answer now and even if you can't return our feelings it's fine and we hope you find someone better-" "there's no one I'd rather be with than the three of you" they all smiled and pulled me into a hug.

We pulled away and they all stared into my eyes making me giggle "what?" I smiled at Ni ki and then looked at the three of them "fukin ask me out already geez" I chuckled at all three of them getting flustered.

Jungwon and Sunoo pushed Ni ki forward "me?!?" They nodded as he just sighed and held my hands while the other two peaked behind "will you Park Y/N date us till death do we part" "Ni ki it's not a wedding" he groaned "Y/N~" I giggled at his cuteness and pecked his lips "of course I will."

His eyes widened "I GOT THE FIRST KISS EAT THAT BITCHES" Sunoo groaned while Ni ki celebrated making me giggle "bro I've had sex with her chill urself" Ni ki turned and rolled his eyes at Jungwon.

I walked over to the sulky Sunoo and pressed my lips on his, I was about to pull away when I felt someone hold my neck and started sucking on it (Jungwon) and a pair of arms wrap around my waist back hugging me (Ni ki).

My fingers started to play with Jungwons hair while my other hand caressed Sunoo's cheek, Ni ki started tracing soothing circles on my stomach as his chin rested on my shoulder, We pulled away and all hugged "I love you guys" they smiled and squeezed me.

"We love you too Y/N till the day we die"



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