When you do his makeup | Ni ki

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Me and Ni ki have been married for a few months when we both ran away from our royalty lives 1 year ago, I was to marry my best friend and he was kept in the palace prison until his execution for 'seducing' me 🙄 so me being his amazing girlfriend saved his fine ass and we ran away and got married so even if we were caught by my parents I could take the thrown cuz they wouldn't let someone that wasn't of their own blood take the crowns they're wayyyyyy too stubborn for that.

I was lying on my bed while Ni ki was in the shower, I was going through my phone seeing tons of texts from my parents blackmailing me to come home but fuk that, I'm staying hidden with Ni ki until I'm old enough to take the crown, I turned off my phone and sighed heavily.

Soon enough I heard footsteps and my husband laying next to me in bed "watcha thinkin about?" I refused to look at him as I spoke "maybe we rushed into this whole marriage thing, you could have lived a free life without me as a burden if I wasn't soo selfish and just let you go" he turned me to look at him as he shook his head.

"I would rather die than live without you" I smiled softly as he wiped away the tears I didn't even realise were there "now what would you like me to do to make you happy" I sat up with him as I thought, suddenly an amazing idea popped in my head as I smirked at him mischievously.

He looked at me scared heh "let me do you makeup" he shook his head "nope, keep dreamin babe" I held his crossed arms "pleaseeeeee" he shook his head again "I'm not a frickin kpop idol baby" I pouted at him.

"I thought you wanted to make me happy again? Oh well I guess I'll go back to the palace and marry Jungwon Oppa, he would've let me do his makeup" he turned to face me with a 'gurl pls' look as I bit back a giggle.

He took in a deep breath and shrugged his shoulders "fine, but don't make me look like a clown and never talk about Jungwon Hyung again" I did a zip sign on my mouth "who's Jungwon?" he chuckled as I giggled and pulled him over to my mirror desk.

I made him look at me as scanned his face thinking of what foundation to use, I finally chose one and started dabbing on his face, he had his eyes closed shut from fear omd "Ni ki your not gonna die" he opened his eyes and rolled them "shut up" he mumbled as I chuckled and continued.

I picked up the mascara but he just stared at me shook "do you really need to put anymore on?" He tried to sound cute but I shook my head "shush" he pouted as I started to put the mascara on, I accidentally poked his eye and he acted wayyyyy too dramatic.

"Ah Y/N I'm blind, where are you, hold my hand and guide me to the bed so I can rest" I rolled my eyes and flicked his forehead "your more dramatic than Jay" he pouted at his failed attempt to escape as I continued.

I put a slight amount of blush on and did his eyebrows luckily with only a few complaints, then I got the lipstick but as soon as he saw it he hid his lips "no, that's for girls" I slapped his shoulder "let me see your lips, now!" He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"I'm not your wife Y/N, your MY wife" I rolled my eyes "not for long if you don't listen" he slumped as I took this chance to put the lipstick on but he caught on too fast "mhm mhm hm mhm" he tried speaking with his lips shut but I just gave a lost look.

I sighed and put the lipstick down "fine but at least let me give you a kiss" he rose a brow at my randomness "why?" I pouted "wae? Can a wife not ask her husband for a simple kiss?" He looked at me skeptical but slowly nodded "fine but no cheeky stuff" I nodded and closed my eyes and leaned in.

He also closed his eyes the idiot and I took this chance to quickly put a bit of lipstick on "done" he opened his eyes wide and stared at me "YAHHHH NISHIMURA Y/N HOW DARE YOU LIE TO YOUR HUSBAND" I giggled and took my phone out.

He covered his face, I swear to god this boy is such a headache "I did all of that so let me take a pic now, pwees?" He sighed and slowly pulled his hands away from his face "one pic?" I nodded and he sat up "fine" I giggled at how easy it is for me to influence him.

I took a pic and posted it on insta.......

"Who ya textin" I smirked "no one" he got closer to me "istg Y/N if you send that to anyone-" before he could continue I already posted it and when he realised his eyes widened bigger than the fuckin sky "YAHHHH

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"Who ya textin" I smirked "no one" he got closer to me "istg Y/N if you send that to anyone-" before he could continue I already posted it and when he realised his eyes widened bigger than the fuckin sky "YAHHHH."

I ran to the bed and hid it under the pillow and sat on it "gimme the phone while I'm asking nicely love" I gave a innocent look "what phone?" He facepalmed at my terrible lying as he stared me down "stand up" "no I'm on my period" "gurl your period was last week" "I'm pregnant" "your really dumb" "I'm not dumb you are."

And with that he picked me up and pinned my hands to the bed making me flustered "dummie" he left my hands and took the phone but when he opened the phone he froze "what happened?" He looked at me and handed the phone back.

I opened insta and looked and saw the comment section was blowing up with girls falling for my husband, I pouted and looked at him "I don't like this" he smirked and pulled me closer "it was you who posted it."

I crossed my arms cutely "but your mine and only mine" he chuckled and snuggled his neck in the crook of my neck "okay how about we take some couples pics hm?" I smiled happily and nodded as we took a few pics and I posted them.

I looked at him and stared at the makeup "you know your really easy to influence?" He chuckled and lay next to me on the bed with his arms wrapped around me.

"I only give in for you love"



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