When you go into labor | Heeseung

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Me and Heeseung started dating in high school as he was my fukin bully who turned out to only annoy me for attention? Imma bfr I don't understand men. We got married after graduation and have been married for 2 years now and each day I love him more and more.

I was sitting on the kitchen counter as I watched my perfect husband cook for meh pregnant ass "and....done" I clapped as he poured the ramen in two plates and brought them to the counter.

He jumped on the counter next to me and started eating "is it good?" I nodded with stuffed cheeks as he chuckled "you got some sauce on your face, idiot" I was about to wipe my face when Heeseung leaned in and sucked the sauce off my lips.

I turned beat red as he pulled back with a smirk "you filthy man Lee" he chuckled as he held my hand "I'm your filthy man" I just rolled my eyes but stopped when I felt something weird in my body. MY WATER BROKE.

I jumped off the counter and held my stomach "Y/N? You okay?" I shook my head "my water just broke" his eyes widened as he fell off the counter but stood up hastily "oh fuk okay let me get the keys" I nodded as he ran to the door and I followed after only for him to run out the house.

After five minutes I just stood waiting and rubbed my stomach "when do you think he'll realise?" And with that he burst back in and picked me up before shoving me in the car and handing me the keys?

"You drive" I stared at him deadpanned "Heeseung IM GOING INTO LABOUR" he nodded while making an 'o' with his mouth before starting the car, istg this man 🤦‍♀️.

We finally arrived at the hospital and Heeseung picked my pregnant ass up and ran into the hospital "I HAVE A PREGNANT LADY READY TO POP MY KID OUT HER PUSSY" I covered my face from embarrassment as a nurse walked over to us.

She was really sweet as she got us a room and was bringing our doctor to us, I started walking around the room as I felt the fukin kid breaking me "you okay?" I looked up at him biting his nails "no Heeseung because of your horny ass I am now suffering from YOUR kid trying to break my ass cheeks" he bowed and apologised making me facepalm. This kid 🤦‍♀️.

Soon enough our doctor (my bsf Yunjin) came in and smiled at me as she helped me sit on the bed "finally the big day gurlie, excited?" I deadpanned her "bitch there is a monster breaking my uterus what do you think?" She shrugged her shoulders "should've used a condom" I gave her the best finger 🖕 as she chuckled.

She lay me on the bed "I'm gonna need you to push" I rolled my eyes "yeah I know bitch" she shook her head as she got in position "Heeseung sit next to her and comfort her" he nodded immediately and rushed to sit next to me.

"Ready" I nodded as she gave me a reassuring smile before looking at my pussy "damn gurl you did NOT shave" I attempted to kick her in the face but she dodged "fuk you" and with that began the screaming.

I squeezed Heeseungs hand as I tried to push out the lil fuker "gahhhh I FUKIN HATE YOU LEE, YOU DID THIS TO ME" he let out a little yelp as I started crushing his hand.

He tried to stop me by gently holding my other hand "bbaby ttoo tight" I glared at him making him shut up as he endured the pain and sat back "my bad my bad" I continued pushing letting out a loud groan "I can see a head keep pushing your doing great Y/N."

Heeseung stood up and stared at Yunjin terrified but then returned his gaze to me again and pecked my forehead "your doing great love" I gave him the stank eye "fuk you" he nodded his head and continued to comfort me "fair enough."

I finally pushed out the baby and let out a relived sigh, Yunjin smiled as she brought the baby to me and Heeseung as I held it "it's a girl" I smiled as I looked down at her "welcome to the world gorgeous."

I looked at Heeseung as he pecked my lips and looked back at our child with love in his eyes "she has your eyes" he smiled showing those exact Bambi eyes "she has your sexy ass lips" I rolled my eyes as I chuckled.

I sat up "wanna hold her?" he looked at me with a bit of worry in his eyes but nodded, I placed our little princess in his arms as he held her with great care "hey baby" I smiled and looked down at her "what should we name her?" he smiled and sat closer to me. "Chaehyun."

My eyes softened as I looked at my hubby with love "Heeseung~" his smile widened, he'd just suggested naming our daughter after my mother who passed away from cancer back when I was in high school "it's decided, our little Chaehyun."

He pecked my lips as he handed her back to me "our Chaehyun" I was looking at my little princesses lost eyes as she looked around with her innocent baby face, Heeseung held my hand making me look at him.

"At last our beautiful angel is born, I promise to protect both of my princesses till the day I die"



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