When he accidentally spills coffee on you | Sunoo

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Me and Sunoo have been dating for a few months now, he accidentally confessed to me when we were in an argument. It was actually soo cute.

I was sitting on the sofa when I heard Sunoo park up on the drive, I got up and ran to the door to greet him "Sunoo~" I jumped into his arms as he chuckled and brought us inside.

"Seems like someone missed me" I pouted and crossed my arms "waeeee? Didn't you miss me?" He chuckled and ruffled up my hair "of course I missed my baby" he scooped me up and sat me on his lap on the sofa.

I started shivering in his arms "I'm cold" he pecked my cheek "do you want coffee?" I nodded as he chuckled and carefully placed me on the sofa as he left.

I waited patiently on the sofa while watching a kdrama on the tv, a few minutes later he came back "I made your fav" I clapped my hands like a child as he chuckled "such a baby" I giggled as he walked over to me but I saw something on the floor.

"Sunoo there's a-" I was too late as he tripped and fell on the floor but the coffee SPILT ON ME. I groaned and stood up at the heat, he immediately stood up and checked if I was okay "baby I'm soo sorry, I didn't see. Fuk I'm soo clumsy-" I chuckled and shook my head "I'm fine it was just a bit hot" he looked up and smiled.

I looked down at my clothes which were now soaked in coffee and sighed "I need to get changed" he nodded and picked me up? I didn't argue as he placed me on the bed and got some fresh pjs out.......

I looked down at my clothes which were now soaked in coffee and sighed "I need to get changed" he nodded and picked me up? I didn't argue as he placed me on the bed and got some fresh pjs out

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I kissed his cheek and took the clothes, I pulled off my top and heard a gasp from behind me. I turned to see a shook Sunoo as he turned around and hid his face in his hands.

I chuckled and walked over to him still only in my bra and jeans, I pulled his hands away and as soon as I did I saw his eyes shoot down to my cleavage as his face turned red and he closed his eyes shut tight "Y/N I don't wanna be a perv" I giggled and hit his head playfully.

"Your my boyfriend you idiot I'm fine with you seeing my body, unless you don't like my weight and don't wanna see it?" he immediately opened his eyes and shook his head as my arms covered my stomach but he held them on his chest "your perfect and that's not why I didn't wanna look" he pecked my nose and smiled.

"I don't wanna make you uncomfortable and I'm scared that if I look I won't be able to stop myself" I smiled and shook my head as I got on my tiptoes "I don't think I want you to stop yourself" I chuckled as he became flustered and shook his head crazy "your making my heart go crazy Park Y/N."

I giggled as he caressed my cheeks "are you serious?" I nodded shyly as he smirked and PINNED ME TO THE WALL. My arms above my head as his face came closer "your gonna regret saying those words love" I smirked and stared at his glorious, smooth lips.

He must have noticed as he didn't hesitate to remove one hand from mine and pull my nape into a kiss, it was passionate but deep as I felt everything melt away and the only thing I cared about was me and Sunoo.

Edit: deleted smut cuz it weird writing ab Enhypen like that, I apologise for writing in the first place I was just a horny teen 🤮

We finally pull away and he lay me on the bed "rest now, I don't wanna push you too much" I shook my head and looked up at him "but I didn't get to do anything to you" he stroked my hair and snuggled.

"Next time love, we have our entire lives to do whatever we what"



اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


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