The Motherlode

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Chapter sixty seven- The Motherlode

"What the fuck is going on?" Harley asked as JJ slammed the door to the Twinkie, getting into the drivers seat. Harley took a final look over her shoulder to see if they'd been followed, as JJ started the engine, and drove quickly away from the home.

"There's- there's a lot" JJ said, shaking his head, he glanced at Harley almost hesitantly and she frowned.

"JJ" she warned him, and he sighed.

"I'll tell you later. Not now" he shook his head and continued on the road, and Harley's frown deepened.

"Tell me now" she said and JJ sighed again "JJ!" She yelled.

"Okay!" JJ yelled back, before running a hand through his hair. He glanced at Harley then back at the road whilst she stared at him expectantly.

"Your dads dead" he said. Harley didn't flinch. She didn't even move. She continued staring at JJ, as he glanced back and forth between her and the road. "Did you-" he began.

"Yeah. I heard you" she nodded, swallowing hard. Her dad was dead. Michael was dead. "How?" She asked, turning away from JJ and staring down at her hands in her lap.

"They found him earlier. He- well he topped himself" JJ said and Harley almost laughed at his choice of words, though she supposed that wasn't the correct reaction to finding out your dad had died, so decided better of it.

She sat in silence for a few seconds, picking at a hang nail on her thumb. Was she meant to feel sad? Happy? Relieved? Guilty for feeling a mixture of all those things?

"Are you okay?" JJ reached across, and wrapped his hand around the one that had been picking her skin.

"Yeah" she nodded back "Yeah I'm fine" she told herself and JJ. Because she was. Nothing had changed accept she had one less thing to worry about. "Is it bad I'm relieved that he's gone?" She asked JJ.

"No!" JJ replied instantly, squeezing her hand a little tighter "no not at all. He made your life hell Harl, you're allowed to be relieved that he's gone" he promised and Harley nodded.

"Your face okay, anything broke?" He asked, glancing at her again.

"It's fine" she shook her head "one against a whole group. Total kooks" she told him, and JJ smirked.

"No wonder his nose was broken. I'd love to see what the others looked like" he smirked and Harley laughed.

"Well he looked much worse when we left him. I didn't know you did the whole jealous thing" she bit her bottom lip and raised her eyebrows and JJ laughed lightly.

"I do it better than anyone" he reminded her "that was less jealousy anyway. Kid didn't stand a chance with you. It was more, I dunno, marking my territory"

"Your territory? What are you a dog now? Should have just pissed all over the place" she laughed and JJ acted offended.

"Hey! I was tryna be all protective" he said back and Harley laughed again.

An hour later, the two of them made it to the ferry, the last one before the morning. The two sat huddled in the back of the Twinkie, sharing a blanket and a joint between them.

"What do you think will happen to me now?" Harley asked "no dad, no house. Not even the chateau" she asked JJ, her mind beginning to wander as sleep began to come over her.

"I'm not sure" JJ sighed "we'll work it out. We always do"


They were back on the road in the outerbanks early the next morning. Harley was in between a state of sleep and awake, as JJ focused on the road. They'd both assumed John B and the others had taken off in the Cameron plane by now, but they were heading back towards the direction of the air strip, just incase.

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