Pogue Through and Through

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Chapter Five- Pogue Through and Through

Later that afternoon, Harley found herself once again sat on the bow of the HMS Pogue with her brother and his friends. She crossed her legs and pulled them close to her as kie looked through the oxygen tanks John B had taken from Ward Cameron's boat.

"This is empty. You took empty tanks?" Kie shook her head.

"Nice one John" Harley nodded at her curly haired brother who sent her a death stare across the boat.

"Okay this one's a quarter full. It's enough for one of us" kie looked around the boat.

"Love it when a plan comes together" pope sighed as he sat back in his seat.

"Does anybody know how to dive?" Kie looked around the group "anybody?" She asked throwing her hands in the air.

"It's kind of a kook sport" JJ shrugged.

"Ask Harley. I bet she knows all about it" John B shot at Harley who gave a sarcastic smile and a middle finger in return as Kie smacked his chest.

"I read about it" pope shrugged, trying to at least offer something.

"Great. Pope read about it so someone's gonna die" kie nodded.

"Look you put the thing in your mouth and breathe, how hard can it be?" JJ shrugged.

"Well if you come up too fast, nitrogen goes into your blood and you get the bends" pope informed him, like it was just a piece of general knowledge.

"Bends like- bend over-" JJ joked as he leaned over awkwardly sticking his back end out.

"The bends kill you" pope deadpanned and JJ suddenly stood up straight with an 'oh'

"I can- I can dive" John B volunteered casually.

"Yeah you can dive. I'm cool with that" JJ nodded.

"You cannot dive" Harley rolled her eyes.

"I can" John B shrugged.

"Since when can you dive?" Kie asked, shaking her head.

"I can do It, It's fine" John B answered and Harley shot a look to her brother and shook her head.

"Let me do some calculations real quick" pope gave in with reasoning with the two boys.

"If you die it's not on me" Harley shrugged at her brother who shrugged back at her.

"Okay so that boats about thirty feet down alright. That will take about twenty five minutes at most, at that depth, which means you need to make your safety spot at around- ten feet" pope told the other boy as Harley shook her head in disbelief that they were actually doing this.

She watched as kie took off her top and dove into the water without saying a word, the boys left stood staring at the spot she jumped from.

"What was that about?" John B asked.

"I don't know. But I liked it. A lot" JJ continued staring and Harley looked at him with a roll of her eyes.

"Careful Maybank your eyes are practically popping out your skull" Harley called to him, in response JJ threw his hat at her, which she just caught and placed on her head with a sarcastic smile.

"Okay so when you're down there, you look for the cargo hold. You stick this thing in, twist and pull, alright?" JJ asked and John B nodded.

"Twist and pull, got it"

"My dad moved some weight back in the day" JJ shrugged.

"Who didn't" John B replied, placing the key round his neck.

Forsaken {Female OC X JJ Maybank}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz