Deal with the Devil

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Chapter Fifty Six- Deal with the Devil

Harley headed to JJ's house to find he wasn't there. She knew he'd probably gone fishing, and was therefore probably on the HMS, so was unlikely to be heard from for a few hours. She could tell before he left that there was something he wanted to talk about, but she had no idea what it could be. She tried not to let too much hope fill her, and attempted to remind herself she was still mad at him for going to Shoupe about her Dad. She was going to have to avoid home for a little while incase DCS was waiting for her there.

Instead, Harley decided to do something productive with her day.

The cross wasn't on the train, that meant somebody had it, and she was pretty certain she knew who did. Rafe. Harley wasn't stupid enough to just head over to Tanny Hill, and say 'hey Rafe! Sorry I stole your boat! You don't happen to still have that big cross lying around do you?' Maybe at one point in the last few months that might have worked, but she was ninety nine percent certain that Rafe wanted her dead currently, so it most likely wasn't the smartest plan.

She could consult Big John, he probably knew more about it than any of them, or he might at least have something in his office that could help them with it, but she definitely was not heading back to the chateau after her not so friendly conversation with John B, and she definitely would not ask Big John for help.

She considered her options, then finally settled on the one that was least likely to get her killed, and also didn't make her fold into her stubbornness.

She began her walk down to maybe the most dangerous side of the cut. Even thought Harley had lived on the south side of the island for eleven years, she still felt uneasy walking down the very quite, and desolate lanes that led to her location. But she was determined. More than anything, she still felt a need to prove herself, mostly to her brother. Now Big John was back, there was a need to show she wasn't just a 'timid little girl'. She was just as capable as John B.

She finally arrived at the site she had only been to twice in her life. The first time was when JJ had been on a rampage last summer, and the second she was unconscious for her journey there, and she had sprinted away from the place at the earliest opportunity. She just hoped Rafe wasn't there this time.

She walked up to the caravan, that was possibly even more run down than last time she'd been there. There was a few camping chairs out the front, one of them fallen on its side, and a burnt out camp fire. The caravan itself had a few boarded up windows, one of them was smashed through and no attempt to board it up or repair it had been made yet. The weeds out the front were almost as high as the bottom of the windows, and the caravan itself was rusted, and was no longer the white it probably once was, and was instead verging on brown.

Harley began to question whether it was a good idea coming here, but she was committed now. She'd come this far. She walked up to the door of the van and knocked twice, before standing back. She wasn't sure if knocking a drug dealers door was the best approach, maybe it was too polite, but she couldn't exactly just walk in, could she?

Harley began to think that maybe Barry wasn't in, and began walking back down the ramp leading up to the door, but just as she reached the bottom, the door swung open.

"The Pogue Princess" she could practically hear Barry's smirk and she wasn't even looking at him. She finally turned round to face him.

"Country club ain't here, if that's who you're after" Barry said, twisting a tooth pick between his fingers before placing it back in his mouth. The last time Harley had seen Barry, his hair had been longer, it was now buzzed close to his scalp, and if he wasn't a massive low life, Harley might actually have thought he was quite attractive.

Forsaken {Female OC X JJ Maybank}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat