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Chapter Fifty Four- Truce

Harley spent the night at JJ's house though she didn't sleep. She lay staring at the ceiling most the night, unsure whether it was her injuries keeping her awake, or knowing JJ was lying on the sofa just down the hall. Physically, they were only metres away from each other, but she knew she'd lost him now, and it was her own fault.

Her mind was in a constant debate on whether she should just get out of bed, and run to him, and beg for forgiveness until he caved. But that wasn't the issue, and she knew that too. His words played over and over in her head. He didn't trust her anymore. JJ didn't trust her.

It was always her and him. They'd always trusted each other with everything, before she even realised it. Since she was six years old, it had always been him. And now it couldn't be anymore, what the hell was she supposed to do?

As soon as the sun began to rise, Harley climbed out of bed, unable to take just lying there with her own thoughts drowning her any longer.

She walked through to the kitchen, wearing a pair of JJs shorts and one of his t shirts. He was still asleep on the sofa. She poured herself a glass of water, unable to take the dryness that had built up in her mouth over night anymore. She caught a glimpse of her face in the reflection of the glass, and quickly placed it back down on the counter. She hating looking at herself when she looked like that. Although, more recently, she seemed to always look like that.

"Morning" JJ spoke from the couch. His voice was thick, croaky. It sounded like he'd been crying. God I hope he hasn't been crying Harley thought selfishly. She wasn't sure she could ever get over her guilt if she knew he'd been crying.

"Morning" Harley gave him a small smile. They were on speaking terms, that was something at least.

"Do you want water, or a coffee or anything?" Harley asked, and it sounded strange coming out her mouth. They'd never been this polite to each other. It was difficult even making conversation, that had never been them. Even when she hated him, or at least pretended to hate him, it was easy to throw insults at each other. She would prefer that. She would prefer if they were screaming at each other, cursing, yelling, anything. Instead it was just thick awkward tension, both of them ignoring the one thing that was smothering their minds.

"No, no" JJ shook his head "I gotta get out working on my bike. It's been sat out there it's probably rusted to shit. You should rest, you look tired" JJ said, and he didn't wait for Harley to reply before getting up and walking out to the yard.

Harley didn't want to rest. She'd been lying in bed all night unable to sleep, and she knew retrying in the daytime would just have the same success rates. She felt awkward, just standing there in JJs kitchen like a spare part. She knew he probably wanted her to leave.

Then as if by some saving grace, Harley's phone buzzed. She pulled it out, expecting news from Sarah.

'Lots to update u on. Meet me at Bleichers asap

Harley decided not to say anything to JJ. She just left. She had no idea what it was Sarah was updating her on, but she hoped to god it had something to do with John Bs safety.

When she got to the jetty at bleichers, Sarah and Kie were already there.

"So?" Harley asked instantly "he okay?"

"Harl your face!" Kie said instantly, but Harley shook it off with a shake of her head.

"It was my old man. It's fine though, I stayed at JJs" she told both the girls who instantly looked more relaxed.

"John Bs okay, he's home" Sarah told her instantly "and so is Big John" she added and Harley looked at her, frowning.


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