Worth a Try

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Chapter Sixty Three- Worth a Try

Harley could only hope that JJ and John B were having better look unloading drugs than she was having tracking down Pope and Cleo.

To begin with, of course, she went to the most obvious place, Heywards. He had told her they'd left earlier that morning, and were talking about some kind of coding. Harley had no idea what that meant, but she knew it had to have something to do with El Dorado, and left quickly after thanking Heyward. She headed back to the chateau, hoping maybe they'd regrouped there.

"Pope?" Harley pushed the front door open "Cleo?" She yelled through the house, but nothing. No one was there.

"What now?" She muttered to herself, pulling out her phone. She attempted to call popes number a few times, but as always with him, no answer. Most the time he had his phone switched off, which was utterly useless. Then, she tried ringing Kie. Nothing. Sarah. Nothing. Finally, Kelsey.

"Hey! What's up?" Kelsey asked and Harley let out a sigh of relief that finally someone had answered her calls.

"Hey! I was just wondering if you ever managed to track down Kie?" Harley asked, heading out to the shed to grab her bike.

"Yeah I did actually. She said she couldn't ask her parents for money right now. They're on at her about her future, and about school. There's no way, basically" Kelsey told her.

"Well it was worth a try" she sighed back "JJ's fantastic idea is probably gonna end up in him and John B getting arrested. We're totally fucked"

"Worth a try though right?" Kelsey asked back.

"Yeah. Worth a try" Harley climbed onto her bike "hey you haven't happened to have heard from pope and Cleo have you? I've been looking all over"

"Actually I did when I left Kies earlier. They were on their way over there. They're probably still there now" Kelsey replied.

"You're a lifesaver! Thanks kels!" Harley hung up and began riding as quickly as she could over to figure eight.


Harley finally arrived at Kies, out of breath, but relieved to see pope and Cleo were still there, and were sat around a picnic table outside of Kies house.

"Just the girl we needed!" Cleo smiled as Harley approached, confused.

"Harley do you still have that photo on your phone? The one from Singhs house?" Pope asked.

"Yeah..." Harley continued to frown on confusion, but got her phone out anyway, and handed it to pope "what's going on? JJ and John B are on some stupid mission to try and find a way to South America to save big John. I've been sent to get you on board"

"What about Sarah?" Kie asked, and Harley sighed.

"I don't know. I really don't" she shook her head "the way her and John B left things is just- well it's fucked" she shrugged.

"I know. She's trying to work something out though. Something to help John B" kie nodded "and I'm sorry I couldn't help more. Kels told me the plan but my parents are on my ass right now"

"Don't worry about it" Harley shook her head "JJs on it"

"I think that was meant to be reassuring but, it had the opposite effect" kie smirked.

"What are you even looking for?" Harley asked, turning to pope to see him zooming in on the photo.

"It was something Cleo found actually" pope informed a clueless kie and Harley.

"Okay" kie nodded.

"Here it is" pope handed Harley a slip of paper. It was old, she could tell from the way it was warped with water damage, and the paper was browning. She studied it for a second, trying hard to make any sense of it, but it was impossible. It just looked like random drawings of symbols to her.

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