Cold Hard

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Chapter Twenty- Cold Hard

Harley had stayed at the chateau that evening. She gave John B and Sarah some time alone together at Tanny Hill, and also gave herself time to clear her head, and let it sink in that they had actually found the gold. It sounded surreal, even in her head.

She woke up earlier than usual, and the house was empty for a change. No JJ, no JB, so she basked in her own company, lighting up a joint and lying back on the couch, smiling to herself when she thought about the gold in the well. She somehow found herself smiling even more when she thought about JJ. her mind just seemed to keep floating back to
Him. She tried her hardest to push it away, almost certain he didn't feel whatever she was feeling, but it felt good to imagine he did. She was broken from her blissful daydreams however, by a knock at the front door.

She frowned slightly, knowing it would be non of the pogues knocking, they'd just walk in, and all worries of it being DCS were long gone after ward took them in. In a buzzed daze, she opened the door. Up until that moment, all thoughts of her Dad actually being in the outerbanks had left her mind. She'd convinced herself she'd imagined it, that it wasn't her dad she'd seen in the store, but here he was, stood in front of her, a grin on his face that didn't meet his eyes.

"Hi Harley. Can I come in?" He asked, as if they were friends that saw each other every other week. She stared at him blankly and stubbed her joint out on the door frame. "Don't worry I won't tell" he smirked, nodding towards the joint that Harley quickly threw down on the table.

"Why are you here?" She asked, her voice was low and unsteady as her eyes stayed staring at the man in front of her. He seemed so familiar, like she'd seen him everyday for years, but also like a complete stranger.

"Is John here?" Her Dad asked, ignoring the question.

"He's with his girlfriend" Harley shook her head then quickly realised her mistake "but my friends are on their way over"

"No, sorry, I mean John Routledge. The kids dad" he said, the fake smile he'd plastered on not leaving his face for a second.

"No" Harley said "he- we don't live here anymore. Big John is dead" she shook her head and his eyes flickered.

"You live alone? Just you and the kid?" He asked.

"No. We live at Tanny Hill. The big house on figure eight. I just came to- get a few things" Harley shrugged "and my brothers name is John B" Harley said sharply and he laughed.

"Right, my apologies" Her dad nodded.

"What are you doing here?" Harley asked again, and the man studied her face for a second.

"May I come in?" He asked, and his tone was demanding, so much so that Harley moved out the way and allowed him to enter. He smiled politely and walked in, sitting himself down on the sofa. He looked around the room, taking in the empty beer cans and pizza boxes.

Harley didn't sit, she stayed stood by the door which she left open.

"You recognise me" Michael pointed out with a smile and Harley didn't say anything "I figured you'd be wary, confused. Thing is, I left your mom. She was always too demanding too, you know, too high maintenance. She was the one who wanted to leave you here. I know she told you otherwise" Michael said and Harley knew it was lie, but she didn't say anything.

"I asked you why you were here" Harley said, her voice stronger as she felt herself get filled with anger and hatred.

"I'm getting to it. Well I left your mom, and the first thing I wanted to do once I'd gotten myself settled, and sober" he added "I wanted to come back for you. I want you in my life" he spoke and Harley couldn't help but scoff.

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