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Chapter Twenty Three- Revenge

The next morning, the pogues, minus John B and Sarah, woke early to finish making the pulley system pope had come up with to get the rest of the gold out of the well. Kie had informed Harley that for some reason, John B had been hauled on a fishing trip by ward, and she couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed she hadn't been asked to go. Granted, John B was Sarah's boyfriend, and Harley hadn't even been there when Ward asked, but she couldn't help but be reminded of all the times John B would go out with Big John fishing and leave her behind.

"Have you still not spoken to him?" Kie spoke in a hushed tone, glancing up at Harley then nodding over to JJ, before turning back to the rope she was knotting.

"No, and I don't plan on it" Harley sighed "I feel bad about what happened with his Dad, I really do. But the things he said, the way he spoke to me-" Harley shook her head "I just can't" she shrugged.

"I get it" kie nodded, "and with the way you feel about him-"

"I don't feel anyway about him" Harley butted in and kie only rolled her eyes.

"Sure, okay" kie smirked slightly and finished tying off her knot, grabbing the final one that needed doing.

"Even if I did, anything I may or may not have felt, I'm ignoring it. It's gone" Harley didn't meet Kies eyes as she finished tying her knot "I'm going to get a beer, you want?" She asked, and Kie nodded.

Harley headed inside, tying her hair up as she went. She was only half lying to kie. She didn't want to speak to JJ, not for a while at least. But the way she felt about JJ, had seemed to have only intensified, annoyingly. She wasn't sure why, maybe it was the distance. She was craving his laugh, his voice, his smile, the feeling of his hand in hers, all of it. Now it wasn't there anymore, and it was her choice for it not to be, she couldn't help but stare at him for a few seconds longer than she normally would, but only when he wasn't looking, of course.

Damn you, JJ Maybank she thought to herself as she grabbed a beer for herself and one for Kie. She jumped backwards, and clutched her chest as JJ suddenly appeared next to her, as if even thinking his name conjured him up out the blue.

"You're jumpy" JJ smiled hesitantly, hoping if he acted normal, everything would be again.

"You're still dead to me" Harley didn't even look at him, as she began walking out the house. JJ paced after her quickly, and grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving. Harley looked at him and raised her eyebrows, looking down to the grip he had on her. He quickly let go.

"Sorry" he muttered.

"About man handling me? or the fact you practically told me I had no real friends, I'm annoying, no one cares about me, oh and to go pay my dad a visit, which you knew would hurt me" Harley tilted her head and JJ sighed.

"All of it" he shrugged hopelessly, clearly having no idea what to say.

"It's like you picked out every single thing that you know I'm insecure about, things I told you because I trusted you. And you just used them against me" Harley frowned, and felt herself growing angrier, having to remind herself to take a breath and calm down. She wasn't going to give him a reaction. Not because she was stubborn, or wanted him to suffer, no, she was scared if she began ranting and yelling she would accidentally let it slip that it hurt all the more because she loved him.

"And I was stupid, and angry, and the things I said were mean" JJ admitted, stumbling over his words as he spoke quickly "I don't know what I can do to make this right. Tell me what to do" he said, throwing his arms around manically as he begged Harley for a way to make everything okay again.

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