Mamas Mad

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Chapter Twenty Five- Mamas Mad

"Harley wait!"

JJ's voice was just an echo in the distance as Harley ran as quickly as she could through the trees. Her breathing was laboured and her legs ached but she didn't stop. She sprinted towards the direction the gun shot had come from, running towards her brother.

She stopped briefly at the sound of a plane engine, and looked above her to see ward Cameron's plane leaving. She let a groan of frustration, and turned to keep running but someone ran directly into her.

"JB" Harley breathed out in a sigh of relief, grabbing her brother and tightly pulling him into a hug. He didn't hug her back at first, then he gripped her tightly, and bent down to tuck his head into her shoulder as she held him as close as she could.

She pulled away, but stayed holding his shoulders. He looked at her vacantly, his hands and t shirt covered in blood, as was Harley now.

"Who's blood is this?" She asked, panicking at Sarah's absence.

"Peterkins. Rafe shot her"

Harleys brain went fuzzy, and her vision seemed to slow down, everything around her was just one huge blur.

"Is she dead?" Was all Harley could think to ask and John B didn't respond, but it gave her an answer.

"Come on" Harley grabbed her brothers hand and pulled him back to where she'd come from. John B seemed to be in a state of shock, and wasn't moving quickly, his mind seemed to be in a completely different place.

Harley couldn't stop thinking about what John B had told her. Rafe had killed someone. Rafe. She knew he was a bad person. Even when she was with him, she knew deep down he was a bad person. But to kill someone? She really didn't think he was capable of that.

They finally reached the rest of the pogues, and immediately all three pairs of eyes turned to face the siblings.

"Shit" JJ rushed over, followed by the others "this yours?" JJ asked John B, grabbing his arm and looking at the blood covering his hand, then turning to Harley to make sure it wasn't hers.

"You okay man?" JJ asked John B when neither of the siblings responded.

"John B you okay?" Kie asked, but the sound of sirens didn't give them chance to respond, as Harley once again grabbed her brother and ducked them all down behind the junk that was piled up.

"What happened?" Kie asked when the police car passed.

"Rafe shot Peterkin" John B said again, for the second time, though it seemed even more real now.

"What?" Pope said in disbelief.

"Why?" Kie shook her head.

"She was arresting ward. He shot her" John B shook his head.

"Is she dead?" JJ asked.

"I don't know" John B said, and Harley felt a little relieved at that. There was still hope. She could be okay.

"We need to go" Harley told them all "we need a plan we can't just stay here" she said decisively, given her brother was in no fit state to make a plan. JJ and kie nodded at her, Kie reaching to help pope to his feet and Harley and JJ grabbing either side of John B.

"What's up with him?" Harley nodded over to pope as she walked slowly with John B and JJ.

"He's high" JJ shrugged.

"What?" Harley frowned.

"He needed to blow off some steam" JJ defended with a shrug and Harley sighed and rolled her eyes.

Forsaken {Female OC X JJ Maybank}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن