Shit just got Personal

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Chapter Thirty Seven- Shit just got Personal

The pogues had rushed to Heywards, and stood around him as Sarah cleaned up the wound on his forehead. He wasn't badly injured, but seemed quite shaken.

"Let me know if I'm hurting you" Sarah said gently as she placed a bandaid over the cut.

"You're doing just fine" he said as she finished, and patted his shoulder gently "thank you darling, thank you"

"Pops, what happened?" Pope asked urgently.

"Oh, I should have known better. He came in just as I was about to lock up. Caught me by surprise. Once he had me down he put his knee on my chest" Heyward began explaining, and Harley couldn't help but notice JJ hadn't left her side since she'd returned to the chateau. He sat just behind her, his hand resting casually on her shoulder.

"He asked me about that- that key. From that drawing you showed me" Heyward turned to pope "and incase you're wondering, I ain't tell him nothing" Heyward spoke fiercely and Harley smirked.

"Now did you track it down?" Heyward asked pope.

Pope hesitated, then reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small golden key. Harley leant in to get a closer look as he passed it to Heyward.

"I found it in meemaws old apartment. Just above the pharmacy, just like you said it was" pope said, sitting down next to his dad as Heyward inspected the key.

"Shit boy! You should've gave this to me, I wouldn't have had to take a beating!" Heyward joked lightly "what's the big deal? It ain't worth anything why'd they want it so bad?" Heyward looked around the whole group and Harley shrugged.

"I dunno. First I get this letter telling me I need to go to Charleston. And then I meet this rich lady who wants me to give her a key that I didn't even know was in my family!" Pope told his dad.

"Non of it makes any sense" kie sighed.

"Well, don't y'all just sit here whining about it! Figure it out!" Heyward instructed firmly.

"No! I'm just gonna give that old lady the key it's not worth-" pope began.

"No no no no. Did I raise you to back down from a fight boy?" Heyward asked, and pope straightened his back.

"No sir" he spoke.

"Alright. Now I didn't think about it before, I'll admit that. But now" he pointed to his head "now? I'm interested" he said, looking at Harley who smiled at him widely "now did they say what they wanted?"

"Something about an old cross? I think it might be some kind of lost treasure" pope recalled.

"You know who you should talk to? Your great grandmother" Heyward said, handing the key back to pope. Pope nodded.

"Okay. Alright. Tomorrow we'll go visit" pope decided getting to his feet "you alright pops?" He checked before the pogues left.

"I'm fine son. You all get back to whatever y'all were doing, just don't cause no trouble" he warned them, raising an eyebrow at JJ who smirked.

"No promises sir" JJ said, getting to his feet. The pogues began to leave but Harley lingered back, and JJ waited for her.

"You sure you'll be alright?" Harley asked him softly.

"Oh I'm fine sweetheart don't you worry about me. Now-" he said, glancing at JJ then back to Harley "I know it's your old man giving you these" Heyward nodded to the scattered bruises across her arms, and Harley opened her mouth to begin spinning a lie.

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