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Chapter Four- Kegger

Before they headed back to the chateau, JJ suggested stopping for food, considering the only thing residing in the Routledge's chateau cupboards had some form of mould growing off them. They tied the boat off at the jetty near the wreck, and hopped out the boat, but their thoughts of food were instantly forgotten as they watched the commotion near the jetty. The undeniable sight of a dead body being hauled away.

"What the-" Harley began, her eyes wide as John B grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the direction the others were going. They approached another local pogue.

"Who the hell is that?" JJ asked the girl first as she sat watching the scene unfold.

"It's scooter grubs. He was out during the storm" the girl explained "look at this pic I got. Dead bodayy" she showed the picture to the pogues and Harley instantly grimaced at the sight of his pale, cracked and in some parts, blue skin. His lifeless eyes staring up at the sun.

"What kind of boat did he have?" Harley suddenly asked. She had an awful feeling, but could only hope her suspicions weren't correct.

"Somehow that dirtbag copped a brand new Grady white" she informed them and Harley instantly shot a worried look to John B "everyone's out looking for it"


Harley didn't feel like speaking much when they arrived back at the chateau. She sat with her legs curled up in the armchair on the porch as the pogues sat around in silence, processing the new information.

"I'm going out" Harley suddenly announced, getting to her feet.

"Where?" JJ was the first to question, and sent her a suspicious eyebrow raise. His tone wasn't jokey either.

"Just out. I need air" she went inside the house to grab her backpack and house key, and heard footsteps follow her into her room.

"You can't be serious right now" JJ addressed her as she quickly continued looking round her room for her keys.

"It's got nothing to do with you Maybank" Harley sighed as she rummaged through her bedside cabinet.

"It is when my best friends little sister is banging a kook, and I'm keeping it from him" JJ told her angrily, she looked up at him quickly and pointed to the open door, he sighed and closed it.

"Seriously Harley what the hell are you doing?" He said almost urgently, as he looked at her with dead serious eyes.

"It has nothing to do with you, and nothing to do with John B" she told him sternly before turning back to her drawer.

"Looking for these?" He asked, and she turned to see him dangling her house keys from his finger.

"I swear to god Maybank, give me the keys" she gave him a stern expression and JJ only smirked.

"Okay, I will. If you go outside right now and tell John B where you're going" JJ shrugged, swinging the keys round his finger.

"JJ" Harley spoke in a low voice "keys. Now"

"That's gonna be a no. Sorry, call back and try again another time" JJ shoved the keys in his back pocket and gave a sarcastic smile.

"You're dead. Today is the day you die" Harley said plainly when John Bs voice rang out.

"You two coming or not?" He called as three pairs of footsteps entered John Bs room.

"This isn't over" Harley pointed a finger at him as she walked past and entered John Bs room, sitting on the edge of his bed as the five teens started to think everything through.

Forsaken {Female OC X JJ Maybank}Where stories live. Discover now