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Chapter One- Secrets

"Does your brother know you're here?" The familiar older boy walked to the bow as Harley sat cross legged on the floor polishing the sides down.

"My brother got me the job" Harley looked up and smirked as the dark blonde offered a hand which Harley took as he pulled her to her feet. Rafe looked around at the Cameron house before turning back to Harley and placing a hand on her waist. She looked up at him with a smile and he tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"Got a spare half an hour?" Rafe asked in a hushed voice and Harley glanced cautiously up at the mansion he lived in then back to him, and shrugged. Rafe smirked and led the girl inside the boat.

Harley knew it was bad. Worse than bad, actually. If John B found out she was almost certain he'd kill them both. She just couldn't help herself. Rafe was older, and it was fun to sit in the passenger seat of his Land Rover. It was nice lying next to him, or under him. It was like for those moments she was with him, she could forget her family, forget about school, the girls that were mean to her, forget about being a pogue. In those moments, she was doing something she'd chosen to do for herself. Not John B. Not her Mom. Not Big John. Her decision. Her mistakes.

"I need to get back to work. Don't want your dad firing me on my first day" Harley smirked as she pushed herself up off the sofa inside the boat, and leaned over the edge to pick up the t shirt she'd previously been wearing, as well as her shorts. "You free later? Could get dinner or something?" She asked casually as she pulled the t shirt over her head and retied her hair.

"Can't later" Rafe told her as he too stood up and put his own polo shirt back on "I'll see you around though yeah?" He asked as he headed towards the door. Harley smiled slightly and she nodded at him as he left.

Harley let out a sigh as she began straightening the cushions on the sofa as Rafe quickly appeared again in the doorway.

"Oh and Harley" he said as he reappeared and Harley looked up quickly with a smile.

"Don't forget to take the empty tanks to get filled, they're in the hold" Rafe threw the keys to the hold to Harley and she nodded as he left again.


"How was it?" John B asked as Harley kicked back on the sofa, a beer in hand.

"Fine" she shrugged, taking a sip and rolling her eyes at JJ scavenging their kitchen cupboards for food.

"No problems with the kooks?" John B asked, sitting down next to her and taking the beer from her hand so he could take a swig himself, she rolled her eyes and reached for the beer but John B held it out of reach as he continued swigging, Harley reached across him and finally managing to snatch it back with a few drops of beer spilling down John Bs t shirt.

"No problems" she finally answered, drinking the last mouthful of beer that John B had left at the bottom.

"Good. Pope and kie are heading over, you can hang if you want" John B offered and Harley groaned.

"I think I'll go to my room and stick pins in my eyes. Thanks though" she replied sarcastically, standing and walking to the kitchen to get herself another beer, quickly realising JJ had taken the last one. She turned to him with a look of frustration, JJ holding his hands up innocently, before Harley rolled her eyes and headed to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

JJ looked to John B who shrugged "dramatic that one" JJ whispered, checking back to Harley's door to make sure she hadn't heard.

"Don't forget we've got that DCS meeting tomorrow!" John B called out to Harley and grimaced as he awaited her response.

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