Dont just stand there! Do something!

Start from the beginning

"Where is my mate!" I yelled at her crazed.

"I need help now!" She yelled worried for my safety more than hers. I pushed her hold off of me and got up off the examining table.

I winced from my pain, but proceeded anyways. I stalked up to her and grabbed we throat.

"Where is my mate!" I yelled in her face.

"I don't know!" She gasped out, but I still didn't relax my grip. I am seeing red right now.

Then I felt myself being torn away from katey. I roared loudly at, James.

I turned on him. But then I felt a sharp sting in my neck then crumpled to the ground.

I just got knocked out again, dammit.

Not cool.

James pov ( lyles beta if you all forgot )

/ I need all pack fighters to the eastern border now! / I heard Lyle yell through the pack link.

I immediately got off my couch ad ran outside. I shredded my clothes by shifting and ran towards the eastern border.

I got slowed down though as other fighters ran with me and got in front of me.

/ move faster dammit, or get out of my way / I yelled at them.

They all pushed themselves faster and ran.

What's going on, are the alphas alright? I hope so.

Yes alphas. Because Lyle claimed angel finally, she is officially apart of the pack.

I pushed myself harder and got to the area. I got there just in time to see a group of men with angel leave. Then I also saw Lyle out in a tight ball surrounded by a lot of blood.

/men, take Lyle back to karey now! I will try and get angel back. / I ordered them stepping up to my position.

I ran over the boundary chased after the weird men.

I caught scent of them but then lost them almost immediately.

After a few more miles I turned back and ran home at full speed. The need to make sure at least one alpha is ok is overwhelming.

I got back about an hour later and went up stairs of the pack house to get some extra clothes to put on.

Just as I was making my way to Lyles holding room I heard a yell.

"I need help now!" I heard Katey gasp loudly.

I sprinted down the hall and burst through the door to see Lyle looking crazed and holding Katey by the neck. Her face turning an ugly color of purple.

I ripped Lyle from her, and he roared loudly in anger and probably pain. I kept my eyes trained on him and saw Katey sneak up behind him and then jab a syringe in his neck.

He went rigid then crumpled to the ground. Katey caught him though and laid him back on the table/ bed thing.

"Are you ok?" I asked Katey when she had Lyle laying down nicely.

"I'm fine, James." She replied raspy.

"Do you know when Lauren is coming home?" She asked me.

"Yes, at the end of the month." I replied.

"Good. Now, do you know where alpha angel is?" She asked again.

I watched as Lyle shifted slightly at the sound of his mates name. Poor fool. This is why I don't want a mate. Because she will make life harder.

"Not really. But I think it may have been Derrick and some of his so called members. But I'm not too sure." I replied to her.

"Alright well go get some sleep. Believe it or not, but it is already 8 pm." Katey told me.

"Alright, but make sure you sleep too." I warned her.

She just ushered me out with a smile and softly closed the door.

I sighed and rubbed my hands across my face.

'She a great girl, but is just causing so much trouble.' I grumbled to myself.

I walked to the living room and laid down on the couch. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

* I stood by a familiar waterfall. It looks to be about dawn and the water looks amazing.

I heard a rustling from the side and my head snapped that way. Out of the shadows, stepped angel, dressed in a long dark blue satin dress.

'Am I dreaming or are you really here?' I asked her.

'We are really talking. But I only have a few moments till he figures out I'm here.' She responded softly.

'Who? Derrick?' I asked her.

'Yes. How is my mate? I miss him so much .' She sniffled.

'Not so good, but he will live and he will find you.' I told her.

'That's good. Now I have to go. Derrick will know I'm talking to someone any minute now.' She panicked. 'Tell Lyle I love him.' *

The dream faded into blackness and I fell into black.

Tomorrow will be hell when Lyle wakes up.



Ok ok I know I said I wasn't going to update until I got 5 votes.

I wanted to update now. Hahaha

So just keep reading and I think I'm going to finish this book soon. Quite a few chapters left but it will be ending soon.

I feel so happy! Hahaha yay!

I love all of you that are reading this book!

And when I finish this one I might do a sequel or just get some of my other books out on watt pad.

Well more info will be out soon an my plans so for now, enjoy.





your fave marshmallow,

Sammy D.

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