Arriving at the mansion, Alexander was greeted with the sight of Sarah pulling Suhana by her hand to the parking area. The air hit Suhana's face, making the loose hair strands flow in a rhythm. Her face beamed with a smile, a gesture he yearned to see these past two days. Her earrings swang as she shook her head while her other hand tried to stop Sarah from tugging her.

Alexander slowly sauntered over to them, causing them to halt after seeing him. Sarah scowled at his state; his clothes were wrinkled, and his hair was chaotic. Suhana's smile evaporated, and her heartbeat hitched. She embraced her dupatta tightly as her chest heaved in nervousness. Sarah looked at her uncle with scrunched eyebrows and said in her tiny voice,

-"You look like a zombie, Alex. Why is your hair so messed up?"

-"Good morning to you too, princess. I have been away for two days, and I see you have updated your vocabulary. Nice! Is this what you are teaching my niece, Suhana?" he questioned, looking at her while Suhana kept her gaze to the ground.

-"Don't bother us, Alex. Suhana didn't teach me anything bad. I am getting late for school, and I'm taking Suhana with me today." Sarah declared, crossing her arms over her chest.

-"Why do you want to take her with you?" Alexander squatted down and asked Sarah.

He looked at Suhana skeptically, wondering why this sudden plan. She never left the property since she arrived here. And now, after all these days, what was the need for her to take Sarah to school? He thought Suhana must be plotting to escape, and the excuse of taking her to school was the only way she could get out. She must have convinced Sarah to accompany her because she knew Alexander would not refuse his niece.

-"Because everyone keeps asking me why nobody from my family ever drops off or picks me up from school. They know you are my only family and best friend, and they keep asking about you, but you never come," said Sarah in a sad tone, "But now I have Suhana too, and she'll take me to school today, and also bring me back after so that everyone can see I have another best friend." she looked up at Suhana, and her eyes flickered with joy.

Alexander felt remorseful hearing Sarah. He should have been there for his princess. She was his world, and he let her down unknowingly. He never gave her enough of his time when they were the only family left for each other. He sank his head in self-accusation and took a deep breath. 

-"Alright, she can go with you," said Alexander, making Sarah jump and hug him.

-"Thank you sooo much, Alex! You are the best uncle, evah," Sarah chuckled.

-"Anything for you, princess," Alexander pecked Sarah on her forehead.

-"Let's go, Suhana! Or we'll be late for school! I need everyone to see you with me." Sarah said loudly and ran towards the car.

Suhana was just about to take a step forward when Alexander suddenly appeared in her view, causing her to freeze in place. She looked at him with a terrified expression while he scanned her from head to toe before meeting her gaze. His eyes narrowed as he took a step closer, causing Suhana to grip her veil tightly and look away from him.

-"Be back soon," he husked while pulling the hair strand away from her face with the back of his hand, caressing her cheek in the process, "and remember, do not try anything silly."

Suhana cringed and closed her eyes. She bit her inner lips in bitterness and apprehension but said nothing.

-"Cause you know whose lives are at stake here," he grabbed her arms and pulled her closer, "Don't you?"

Suhana only replied with a nod as he inhaled her hair and kissed her temple.

-"Now go," whispered Alexander in her ear, and Suhana left hurriedly.

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