"Oh Meerab, is it late? I'm sorry; I didn't realize," he said, trying to brush away his worries and force a smile.

"I know you're upset, Murtasim. You don't need to pretend that everything is okay. You can share anything with me, you know that, right?" Meerab spoke, her voice laced with concern.

"It's—it's nothing, Meerab. Don't worry," Murtasim replied, avoiding her gaze. He didn't want to appear ungrateful in front of Meerab. She had gifted him the canvas and paints with so much love, and he didn't want to make her feel like she had done everything for nothing.

"Murtasim, look at me," she began, her eyes filled with understanding. "I know you're struggling with the fear that your creative side may have been lost, but trust me, that's not the case."

"I just—it feels like I'm lost. My mind is blank, and I try so hard to paint, but I just can't. I'm dreading that I've lost my creativity, and I'm so scared of that," Murtasim said, swallowing the lump in his throat as he shared the weight of his heart with Meerab.

Meerab smiled lightly, her words carrying the warmth of her affection. "No, Murtasim, creativity is like a special spark inside you. Sometimes, it takes a little time to come back, just like a fire that's waiting for the right moment to burn again. Your inspiration will come back when you encounter something truly worth painting, something that is worthy of being captured, a sight so awe-inspiring that your heart can't resist the urge to express it on canvas. And until then, don't burden yourself. Let it come to you naturally," she said while caressing his cheek.

With Meerab's words echoing in his mind, Murtasim nodded slowly. He realized that perhaps he had been too hard on himself, expecting instant results when creativity had its own rhythm. He sighed deeply, his shoulders relaxing as he leaned into her gentle touch. "You always have a way of making me feel better, My love. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Meerab's smile widened, and she enveloped Murtasim in a comforting embrace. "You won't ever have to find out, because I'll always stand beside you, forever."

Murtasim's heart swelled with emotion at Meerab's words. "I love you," he whispered, his voice brimming with love and admiration.

"And I love you too," Meerab replied, pulling him even closer into a warm and loving embrace.

As they held each other in the dimly lit studio, Murtasim felt a renewed sense of gratitude for the remarkable woman in his life. He knew that with Meerab's unwavering support and her belief in his artistic spirit, he could weather any storm, and his creativity would eventually flow freely once again, like a river finding its course.


As the evening grew darker and the sound of thunder rumbled outside, Murtasim and Meerab decided to make their way to their cozy bedroom. The anticipation of the impending rain filled the air with a sense of serenity.

As they entered the room, Meerab turned to Murtasim with a gentle smile. "Would you like to have some coffee Murtasim?"

"Hmm, sounds perfect," Murtasim said.

"Oh great then, I'll be right back," Meerab said as she went to the kitchen. She carefully prepared a cup of steaming coffee, knowing just how Murtasim liked it, with a touch of warmth and a hint of love. Returning to him, she handed over the cup. "Here you go, Murtasim. Try it and tell me how is it?" she asked, a playful twinkle in her eyes.

Murtasim took a sip, savoring the rich flavor. He looked up at Meerab, his eyes filled with affection. "It's really good," he replied, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.

"Well, after all, who made it?" Meerab teased lighty.

Murtasim couldn't help but smile. "Mere biwi ne," he answered, his voice filled with warmth and love, as he kissed her cheek.

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