Chapter 29--Official Launch

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CHAPTER 29—Official Launch

The moment Xie Yu saw Shen Qi's three Weibo posts, an indescribable joy filled his heart.

He had been in the industry for many years and knew how to deal with the usual relationship between a director and an actor.

He'd also seen all kinds of troublesome situations.

And there were very few directors like Shen Qi who would stand up for the members of their crew.

Xie Yu silently read Shen Qi's second Weibo post again, deconstructing and analyzing the meaning of Shen Qi's words.

No matter how he much he was hacked, criticized, and ridiculed before, Shen Qi never participated in the online hot topics.

After getting along for a while, Xie Yu also knew that Shen Qi was a very strict person when it came to his work.

He should have witnessed and judged how proficient his acting skills were this time, so when he saw the topic involving the crew of <Blood Wanted>, he took the initiative to speak out.

Of course, Xie Yu didn't feel that Shen Qi really had a "preference" for him as the netizens said, but only thought that Shen Qi was a director who took care of his team members and was a down-to-earth person.

Before his mind wandered more, he grabbed his light brain and got up, wanting to thank Shen Qi face to face.

He left the front yard, turned to the side of the road, and ran to the gate of the director's residence in a few steps.

Just as he stretched out his hand and was about to ring the bell, from the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a gray-white giant on the lawn in front of the house.

Xie Yu just stood there outside the gate, looking at the big, gray and white striped cat splayed out on the lawn in the yard.

It had frozen in its movement with a half-raised front paw, and stared at him from where it was with a pair of round eyes.

The light at night wasn't too dim, and the yellow lights from the street lamps projected onto the thick fur of the big cat, illuminating the big cat's front body and head, while the rest was half-hidden.

The big cat's pointed ears stood up, and its big eyes shone brightly as it faced the light.

Xie Yu looked at those distinctive eyes, and was stunned for a moment.

Then he called out in a low voice, "Director Shen?"

The big cat lying on the grass didn't open its mouth, and only grunted from its throat as a response.

Its half-raised front paw fell, covering a light brain.

Then the paw was dragged back, and the light brain was quietly retracted into the long fur of its chest.

Seeing Shen Qi's action, Xie Yu held back a smile.

At that moment, he felt that this mighty and lazy big cat was completely different from the unsmiling director he'd seen during the day.

A second ago he was thinking about how to express his gratitude after seeing Shen Qi, but now his mind was fully occupied by the wild and fierce appearance of the big cat in front of him.

Obviously he'd seen Shen Qi's animal form at Mrs. Shen's home on the Tourist Star, so why was he still staring at it now...

Xie Yu looked around slightly, and after confirming that no one was around, he took a few steps forward, leaned down onto the black iron fence that was only as high as his waist, and poked his head forward.

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