Chapter 16--Tengfei Entertainment

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CHAPTER 16—Tengfei Entertainment

As a Golden Laurel newcomer and winner, Shen Qi was dragged away by many creative staff and industry members, and he wasn't able to escape back to Shen's villa until midnight.

When he came back, he stopped the housekeeping robot from coming forward to assist him, and only took a bottle of water from the kitchen, and then went back to his room in the dark.

He turned on the light in his room, took off his suit first, stored it carefully, and leaned against the table naked.

He raised his elbow, rubbed his fingers against his right abdomen, moving carefully, and tore off a sheet of material that was no different from his skin color.

The palm-sized bionic skin was thrown into the recycling bin, while the dark red wound on Shen Qi's waist was exposed to the air.

There was a big hole in the skin covering his strong muscles, and the inside of the wound was bloody.

There were also flickering spots of light inside the wound that indicated the presence of medical nano-robots.

Shen Qi turned sideways and pulled out a drawer from the wall, skillfully taking out a few objects, and began to treat his wound as if he felt no pain from it.

In the quiet room, there was only the sound of medicine being sprayed.

Before Shen Qi picked up the new bionic skin beside the table, he heard the sound of his light brain.

He paused, powered on the light screen, read the name on the communication request, and then quickly pressed the connect prompt.

He found a wireless earphone from a drawer and stuffed it into his right ear.

"Hey Shen Qi? I, it's Zhifei..." A young man's voice was on the other end, clear but a bit ruffled.

"En." Shen Qi responded, then placed his light brain on the table, and picked up the new bionic skin, tearing off the adhesive, and stretching his hands holding the new 'skin' towards his waist, "It's late, what's the matter Captain He?"

"What are you doing?" He Zhifei could hear Shen Qi urging him through his words, "Oh, by the way, are you feeling better? How has the toxin cleared up? Do you want to arrange another treatment?"

"It's okay." Shen Qi declined simply, placing the bionic skin back on his wound, then he stooped down to pick up dark pajamas laid out on his bedside, and put them on.

He Zhifei on the other end of the call heard the rustling sound, and asked curiously, "Shen Qi, you just came back from that so-and-so award, right? Congratulations. The case regarding Simon Star is now not only closed, but you also won an award. Following that, why don't you find some time to hold a private celebration and enjoy some wine..."

Shen Qi, who had already finished dressing and was waiting for He Zhifei to explain his true purpose for calling, took a deep breath, and sighed, "Drinking is a waste of time, so there's no need to celebrate. Team leader He, you have something to say, say it."

"Okay, okay."

The voice over the phone became quite serious, "The higher-ups transferred your file out of the hunting plan. They said that your actions will be separate, and so you can only pay attention to things you catch with your eyes. It's a good thing that your identity hasn't been exposed. You can use the entertainment industry environment to confuse the enemy and avoid danger."

Shen Qi sat on the edge of his bed, resting with his hands on his knees, unable to deny He Zhifei's words.

After a while, he spoke again, "Is there any new progress at the intelligence center?"

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