Chapter 46--Cat Paw Pastry

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CHAPTER 46—Cat Paw Pastry

Xie Yu coaxed the cubs into the house.

Seeing that Shen Qi was still standing by the door in a daze, he called out to remind him, "Director Shen, why don't we get the nursery equipment requested by the show team today?"

Last night, Xie Yu had tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep, so he took out his light brain to read the show team's task requirements again.

After determining that a lot of things were needed to take care of the cubs, he felt that it was imperative to renovate the accommodations they were staying in.

Of course, Shen Qi had not forgotten this.

Hearing Xie Yu mention it, he also informed him, "I made an appointment last night. Everyone said they'd come here today."

"Really? That's great." Xie Yu sat among the cubs and blinked in surprise, "When will they arrive?"

Shen Qi lowered his head and looked at his light brain, "It's nine o'clock now, Chen Rui will arrive at nine-thirty, and Chen Heng won't come until the afternoon."

Their living room was very spacious, and the outdoor space was also considerable.

But all the other things like benches and fences needed to be equipped to care for the cubs too.

Singer Chen Rui had architectural knowledge so he was coming over to build things for the Cat-fish nursery.

President Chen Heng was responsible for the landscaping and re-processing of the already beautiful vegetation in the courtyard to create an environment suitable for cubs to play in.

Xie Yu was looking forward to them coming over to help and wanted to prepare some refreshments before the two of them arrived.

He had no other way to express his gratitude besides giving them something to eat.

Meanwhile, Shen Qi dug out the cubs' preschool reading materials from the packages brought by the show team and slowly read them to the cubs in the interstellar common language.

He was tall, sitting on the carpet along with the cubs, and his tone was gentle and patient.

The adult and four children were in harmony in the living room and Xie Yu watched over them for a while.

He couldn't take a long break though, because he had a lot of work to do, so he quickly threw himself into the kitchen and started delving into cooking dishes for the new day.

Before he participated in <Thirty Days>, he had many ideas about their accommodations, but he did not expect for the resort villa they were staying in to have a kitchen and living room that could be directly connected to the outdoors.

The open floor plan and bright light that filtered in, plus the pleasant view of a field of green plants made Xie Yu feel at ease no matter how busy he was in the kitchen.

He held onto the bar, thinking hard, and finally came up with an idea.

Taking his light brain and creating a new empty memo, Xie Yu began to jot down how to make the Chinese puff pastry that he'd eaten before.

He remembered being invited to attend a cultural festival in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions. (TL: they're names of regions/provinces in the east of China)

After the event, he was called by the executives for a dinner, and a pastry was served there.

The small pastries, which were no bigger than the palm of one's hand, had a white and light-yellow crust and a rose-red print, which was very traditional in style.

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