Chapter 35--Eat Fish, Eat Fish

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CHAPTER 35—Eat Fish, Eat Fish

The <Blood Wanted> project came to an end, and Xie Yu said goodbye to the crew and headed home.

After a few days of rest, he headed back to the Capital Star and was ready to return to work.

Shen Qi still stayed with the crew, and after supervising the post-production of all the episodes, he handed the rest of the work over to the shooting base to put the finishing touches on, in order to wrap up the <Blood Wanted> project.

After the news that Xie Yu and Shen Qi were going to participate in <Thirty Days of Love on Earth> was announced, not only were the major investors inquiring about the news, but even the crew members couldn't hide their curiosity.

Xie Yu left the crew early, and the staff didn't dare to ask Shen Qi anything face to face.

It wasn't until the crew of <Blood> all returned to the Capital Star, and the actors all reunited to have one last meal together, did Jiang Yike become the first person to speak up.

Jiang Yike's eyes swept over Shen Qi who was sitting in the corner eating in a low-key manner, and his eyes also fell on Xie Yu who was enthusiastically shelling seafood.

"Xie Yu." Jiang Yike spoke slowly, with a relaxed tone, but hesitation was also evident in the sudden call of his name.

"Huh?" Xie Yu, who found that Interstellar seafood was particularly delicious, was obsessed with peeling shells as he responded casually, then looked up, and quickly lowered his head again.

"In the past few days, everyone on the Star Network has been saying that you're going to be on <Thirty Days of Love on Earth>?" After Jiang Yike finished speaking, he pretended to be thinking about something and then said, "Ah, I remember. You seemed to have wanted Director Shen to go on it with you, right?"

Listening to Jiang Yike speak, Xie Yu raised his eyebrows, first glanced at the actor Jiang who kept "reminding" him with his eyes, and then looked at Shen Qi who was sitting a few seats away from him.

"Yes." Xie Yu noticed that Shen Qi was looking at him, so he looked away, and smiled at Jiang Yike, "We're preparing to go on."

"Then, you guys are..." Jiang Yike's eyes lit up, and he thought that even though he rejected Xie Yu and lost a job that made money, it was worth it.

Xie Yu saw Jiang Yike and other staff members' eyes and knew what they were thinking.

Shen Qi was also present, so he didn't know exactly how to explain.

He just laughed and answered Jiang Yike's question with the reason that "the Cat-fish combo is hot right now".

Shen Qi waited for Xie Yu to finish speaking, and didn't add anything, but hummed in a low voice in response.

The two parties were vague about their reasons for participating in the show, and most of the staff didn't dare to make a fuss, so they could only stare at Xie Yu and Shen Qi with teary eyes.

Jiang Yike didn't want the atmosphere to go cold, but he wanted to continue to ask why, so he intentionally pulled the topic and led everyone to chat slowly about the current variety show market.

"The <Thirty Days> show is considered a very good production standard in the industry." Jiang Yike gave Xie Yu and Shen Qi the popular science about variety shows from the standpoint of someone who has participated in many variety shows. (TL: 'popular science' means just going in-depth, giving details about something)

"How do you know so much?" Xie Yu was so happy that Jiang Yike introduced more of his experiences, and now he was waiting for him to talk more about the unspoken rules of variety shows so that he could be more prepared and calm when he appears on <Thirty Days>.

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