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My hands are shaky while I look down at my tight fitting short black dress and black heels. Matias can't keep his eyes off me, for two reasons, first off I can tell he's loving my body in this outfit and secondly he probably knows I'm about to do something stupid but he also knows he can't stop me.

I wanted to look the part when I confess to murder in front of half the island, I am the widow to a man that was in the darkest of dark lifestyle after all, my appearance has to sell my story, has to make it look like I'm a bad bitch that takes lives like I run the world. I know I don't but they will think I'm someone horrible, someone dangerous, someone that isn't my sweet brother who shouldn't be in an orange jumpsuit and shackles.

"John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina statute section, you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances." The judge reads from a piece of paper in her hands, "If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty."

The judges gravel smacks the wood surface in front of her and all hell breaks loose in front of me.

I can hear the happy voices of the locals who think justice is being served, and the conflicted comments from people who don't believe my brother killed someone.

"Your honor!" JJ yells, "He's being setup."

"Quiet in the court room!" The judge calls out, "Quiet--"

"It wasn't him." My eyes land on my brother after he whips around in his chair next to his attorney.

All eyes turn to me and Matias when we walk down the middle of the court room, whispering erupts around me while the pogues and JJ stare at me with horrified expressions. A smile crosses my face when I look over at Ward and Rafe, both their jaws fall open, here goes nothing.

"It was me."

"No." JJ loudly exclaims, "No Princess, stop."

I ignore him and step away when Matias tries to pull me out the door, "John B did not kill Sheriff Peterkin, I did." I weakly smile at my brothers wide eyes, "She tried to arrest me because my husband, Maceo Singh, was found dead, but I panicked and shot her. Then when I tried to run," My eye move to settle on Shoupe in the corner of the court room, "she was able to shoot me in the back before she fell to the ground."

"She's lying." John B mutters, "It was--"

"Shut up, Bree." My harsh voice cuts him off, "You weren't there to see what happened."

"Tesoro." Matias steps closer to me, his lips by my ear, "This wasn't the plan, and I see someone I recognize from Barbados, we need to go now."

"Shit." My eyes scan the room while he guides me backwards, "Mati, I have to do this."

"I don't care." He scoops me up and throws me over his shoulder at the same time someone shuffles close by.

My body dangles behind his back, his arm covers me so my dress doesn't come up while rushing through the court room while officers chase after us, but my eyes are on the man with an n95 mask on and a gun poking out of his waistline.

"Mati, gun." I squeak, "Run."


JJ runs up behind us, his body blocking mine while we push through the doors until we're outside, "Take her somewhere, Matias, hide her."

"I know."



My body is ripped out of Matias arms, hitting the ground at the same time something lands in the middle of my back, making me scream in pain. My face smacks onto the ground, making the person above me freeze.

Missing - JJ MaybankTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang